Example sentences of "ask [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So what have you been up to ? ’ he asked finally to crack the silence .
2 Now , having been stuck behind the desk for weeks at a time , he does n't need asking twice to unlock the cases and parade his collection …
3 And so we had discussions with them and I can tell you , you know , it was at least six months before the consultants ever made any specific move to introduce the system as such er because of our overtures to them , because of the fact that we asked regularly to meet them and to consult on various points .
4 It asks for open vindication , he wrote , but I ask only to do my task .
5 ‘ You 've asked enough to keep me talking for a month .
6 It has n't stopped him making guest appearances and recordings with western orchestras , and he is no longer in a position where he 's asked only to conduct Russian music — ‘ Berlioz and Beethoven with British orchestras were far more interesting propositions for me than , for example , Tchaikovsky , because you remember too much the way Russian orchestras play Tchaikovsky with the huge sound and the heaviness and the passion ’ .
7 In subsequent weeks , the women were asked merely to record the food and drink they consumed during binges and to note whether or not vomiting or laxative abuse had occurred .
8 You know I dug the information out again , I 've had a read through of it , and it actually says , were asked just to record all your , all your conversations .
9 Pupils may be asked directly to describe a rule for predicting how many matches would be needed for any number of boxes , or they may instead be asked how many would be needed for , say , 500 boxes and then asked about their methods as referred to below .
10 The Shetlanders were the only children I have ever known who had only to be asked once to perform in public , without even token resistance they took to their fiddles and played .
11 My own favourite example of this attack , and the contradictions that came with it , was that as Council members we were asked both to take pride in an NEA-sponsored and adulatory film about the graffiti that were then disfiguring the New York City subway system , and to support lavishly the great American museums whose distinguished collections were ( and remain ) a standing rebuke to the so-called experimental art of which graffiti were then such a beguiling component .
12 Those in the diet group were asked both to reduce their intake of refined carbohydrates and to increase their dietary fibre by substituting high for low fibre products and by taking supplements of standardised wheat bran ( three or four ×7.5 g sachets of Prewett 's coarse wheat bran ) .
13 Sometimes the Ferrars were asked also to teach them their Catechisms .
14 Nowadays it can more or less count on getting asked routinely to sanction , shape or run a new form of global riot-control that none of the big powers , not even America , is ready to do alone .
15 We got it there or thereabouts for sales executives right ? the area development exec job but we did n't get it right we were two grand adrift quite clearly demonstrable evidence that we were two grand adrift on that pay and I 've asked now to agree to upping the pay level and if he does we might get some decent people and then we worry about the ramifications of that afterwards , yeah ?
16 Trial , by contrast , is reserved for cases where the factual issues are straightforward ( most often road traffic accidents ) , and the jury is asked simply to answer the question of fault with a ‘ Yes ’ or ‘ No ’ answer , going on thereafter to assess damages .
17 The Council fathers were asked simply to decide whether the text before them was an appropriate basis for a definitive document .
18 A further elaboration of this technique is the use by the respondents of computer-linked handsets that can be simply manipulated to show their response throughout the commercial : they can be asked simply to indicate an overall favourable or unfavourable response or to reflect some more specific description of the film — ‘ exciting ’ , ‘ funny ’ , ‘ tasteful ’ , etc .
19 The formal nature of the signature does indeed suggest that Molla Fenari was signing the document in an official capacity ( cf. the informal nature of the problematical signature , cited on p. 155 of Husameddin 's article and discussed below , where Molla Fenari has clearly been asked simply to lend his name to the proceedings ) ; and while he was most probably acting as kadi of Bursa , as the biographical sources would suggest , it should be noted that the signature is not in itself conclusive proof of this .
20 Now a special meeting of the EC fisheries management committee will be asked tomorrow to cut imports of cheap frozen Russian-caught cod , haddock and whiting .
21 Erm the policy panel that erm looked at this erm a week before Christmas was erm I hate to disagree with you with Peter we are not exactly unanimous in this views on terminal five and this is reflected in the erm , the Liberal Democrat resolution erm , past policy of this Council has always been to favour expansion at Heathrow rather than of Stansted and we are being asked today to confirm this stance at the forthcoming enquiry and well we 're not faced with an either or situation .
22 I was asked particularly to notice the very simple but effective apparatus for raising the coaches .
23 Asked again to pay for it , he opened the can and started to drink the lager .
24 I ask instead to look around .
25 However the conference had felt it advisable to avoid this and the Labour Party and the TUC were asked instead to formulate a policy which would rally the whole working-class movement against Fascism and Capitalism .
26 He had been asked specifically to look out for prostitutes in the back lanes near Sandyford Place .
27 If two people are merely sharing a house or flat , e.g. two friends , unless the underwriters have been asked specifically to cover both persons ' property , there would only be cover for the property of the Policyholder .
28 You were asked recently to vote on the forms of action you would prefer to take in support of the shop 's position on the reduction of pay differentials .
29 She asked again to go home .
30 Reda asked instead to meet Egypt 's First Lady Mrs Suzanne Mubarak .
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