Example sentences of "might [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 'll also have application services so in the office it might be email or you may have E D I talking to your suppliers .
2 The group have begun to connect four ideas : the wire wool has gone brown ; it has gone brown because of the rain ; it might be metal ; it might be rusty .
3 There might be somefink in there about it .
4 And there might be strawberry jam today . ’
5 ‘ Even when I got by on a fast straight , where the extra power of my machine was beneficial , I thought it might be part of his plan to let me go in front and force me into making a mistake . ’
6 Nor would this position necessarily be fixed : a group might be part of civil society at its constitution but be transformed by appropriation by the state .
7 That might sound like vanity but there 's no doubt that she means it ; she says she looks forward to sleep if she feels Bob might be part of her dreams .
8 A fat salary , reputed to be a combined $120,000 a month for all three , might be part of the answer .
9 You know might be part of a actually a continuant rather than a vowel .
10 One question which will be examined is to what extent increased computerisation and automation of various aspects of the business might be part of such a strategy .
11 But the demonstration that high levels of p53 are induced by DNA damage has led to the concept that p53 might be part of a damage-control pathway rather than the pathways that are at work in normal development .
12 ‘ It might be part of a bigger picture . ’
13 It might be part of her job to parade through the ballroom but she surely did n't want to have to prattle facts and figures for what she was wearing now , a skin-tight concoction of bugle heads and sequins that probably cost more than she 'd make for the entire year .
14 even though they might be part and parcel of the same organization , they are not the leaseholders so they ca n't make the arrangements , so if they want to make the arrangement they must have the lease assigned to them first , then we will come to terms with them over land and to under le under let .
15 Well we 'll get carbon dioxide off , so you might be iridium carbonate or ytterbium , we 've got a powder which may be ytterbium car carbonate or ytterbium sulphate and you never heard of this stuff , ah carbonate carbonate and maybe , maybe ytterbium carbonate does n't give off carbon dioxide with acid , but there is a very good chance it does cos all the others you 've ever heard about do .
16 Pushing its head out of the way , I thrust the flambeau into its stall , to see if there might be kerosene or paraffin stored there , or at least a good stack of hay .
17 And you eat in what is called messes so that you eat in a mess of four and the server comes in and puts a plate of it might be venison and a plate of which is a kind of erm corn and er in front of you .
18 I , I , I think they probably believed that , that , that the best way to get into socialism was to begin to create socialist elements from the start , that would facilitate the move erm and once you 'd got full control , I mean this is where , where there might be kind of bits you can say that once , once we , we need to make these assurances to get us out of feudalism .
19 Pray for the Mission Board , that there might be unity and a singleness of purpose .
20 The multiplier for manual staff might be unity but it increases with staff level and becomes three or more for management .
21 The ‘ Speciality ’ Pie might be rabbit , game or some more exotic variant .
22 Mr Connon when I arrived told me about the letter Jenny received and also about your warning to him that there might be phone calls also .
23 You might be boss of the launch , but what I do in my own time is none of your bloody business ! ’
24 At the end of it , SHe had to say , ‘ The cities might be Paradise itself , but for how long ?
25 Might be bit of a pain , might'n it ?
26 It might be education , it might be knowledge , interest can be another one er relaxation , romance , having a good time there are a whole se sequence of different reasons .
27 Right , well , well , actually yes , what , what you look at , is , is what 's important to you and you put a cash value on it , and it might be the mortgage , it might be education , it might be giving yourself a couple of years ' salary and paying debts or whatever , er , and the security of knowing that O K , if I die , I 'm not leaving a problem for my family , but at the same time if I 'm in a situation where I get a serious illness and I ca n't bring in an income , I 'm securing my , my , my future in that respect .
28 They thought that it might be leukaemia .
29 It sounded a trivial enough disturbance on the surface , but it seemed as though there might be substance in Tom Watt 's fears after all .
30 The records of these numerous courts were often badly kept , and there might be damage or loss of the original wills which the courts kept under their custody .
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