Example sentences of "feel [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 … his father understood the way kids really felt about things
2 At the same time as doubts were beginning to be felt about Britain 's economic vulnerability , the working people were increasingly organizing in trade unions to try to secure , or guarantee , their share of the progress .
3 It seemed very important just then to remember exactly what she had felt for Anthony at the beginning .
4 Oreste would die , she saw that now , for what was it she had felt for Ferdinando if not lust ?
5 She was beginning to realise that whatever Lydia felt for Beuno was different in kind from what she had felt for Finn , and this had eased her incipient unhappiness , for while it is one thing not to win the beloved it is another to see him swept off by somebody else , and far , far worse .
6 In addition , it considered some specifically Welsh issues , mainly the prevalence of two languages in school and community , but also the existence of large rural areas with sparse population , and the high respect widely felt for education and for teachers .
7 My position on the whole thing started to wobble last year when I had some reflexology ( a foot massage ) which made me more relaxed than I 've felt for years .
8 One of them was that he opened his morning newspaper with an enthusiasm he had not felt for years .
9 Now , at last , she realised that whatever she had felt for Richard was long since buried , under an avalanche of hurt and disillusion .
10 Such pity as she well may have felt for Ramsey in its distress , he has traduced and despoiled , and here we have no rights .
11 Electricity Board engineers restored some power to the leisure complex this afternoon … but the effects of the weekend 's floods are likely to be felt for week 's to come .
12 Guilty or innocent , it did not matter ; he wanted her back , and he knew at last that , whatever he had felt for Angela Deverill , it was not this .
13 I found that I no longer felt for Jean-Claude but for myself .
14 True , what he had felt for Kee was at the time a stronger passion , and so far as charm went they could n't be compared .
15 What he had felt for Kee had left ‘ a large deep wound which is healed but is still sensitive . ’
16 I was happier than I had felt for months .
17 A sensation she had not felt for months — of muted excitement and expectation — went through her .
18 More likely , she did not share the admiration others Felt for Hanns 's work .
19 She felt great , better rested than she 'd felt for weeks now , the little aches of fatigue she 'd been growing used to now all miraculously ironed out .
20 Then you walked into my life , and I suddenly realised that what I had felt for Claire may have been sexual attraction , but it was never love . ’
21 ‘ No , and it needs time and discipline as well as motivation , ’ Belinda murmured , the instinctive empathy she had felt for Faye growing as she heard more of the painter 's story .
22 The embarrassment might have been felt as relief .
23 They 've never felt the pain that lies behind all the hatred we can feel for women , our need to hurt them in return .
24 Any personal animosity she might feel for Niall Grant must be set aside .
25 They did n't feel for example they could go into the advice centre , they did n't feel it was for them .
26 Did you ever feel for Tybaot 's death ?
27 Maybe this is the source of their unique appeal ; whatever they may feel as individuals , they manage to continuously channel the music through completely humble observations .
28 How do you feel about integrals and differentials ?
29 What do you feel about actors keeping themselves in step with training once they are in the profession ?
30 How do you feel about Dad appointing Guy managing director ?
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