Example sentences of "seem [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The strikes had taken on an important political dimension when workers formed a free trades union ‘ Solidarity ’ , and in 1981 it seemed that Soviet tanks would be needed to restore order .
2 They fought for an hour and it seemed that neither would have the mastery .
3 Despite the market uncertainties and many other problems there were a number who had made great strides and it seemed that many would succeed .
4 The great extension of astronomical observations that began early in the 1960s brought about a revival of interest in the classical theory of general relativity because it seemed that many of the new phenomena that were being discovered , such as quasars , pulsars , and compact X-ray sources , indicated the existence of very strong gravitational fields — fields that could be described only by general relativity .
5 To Robyn it seemed that critical theory had at last moved to its rightful place , centre-stage , in the theatre of history , and she was ready to play her part in the drama .
6 And it just seemed that that was the time to give up the tenancy .
7 When he did try to make some real contribution to society , it seemed that all he got for his trouble was The Prince was too sensitive , too intelligent , to play the part mapped out for him , the part that his courtiers were there to help maintain .
8 I thought of Angela Brickell 's death and of the attacks on Harry and me and it seemed that all three had had one purpose , which was to keep things as they were .
9 I took 2 days off work before my baby was born , and on the third day my life suddenly changed and it seemed that all of my well laid plans would go to waste .
10 It seemed that all I had was myself , and those few very close people called my loved ones .
11 It seemed that all the world and his wife were in Madrid .
12 It seemed that all her concentration and all the power of every muscle in her body were focused on the point where her fist struck the bull 's back .
13 It seemed that all of the owners had taken the opportunity of visiting the horses while the train was standing still , and listen though I might I could hear no one else reporting trouble .
14 It seemed that all the other Minpins from the big tree had turned up as well to witness the great victory over the dreaded Gruncher .
15 Now as England players we were not allowed to give interviews during a game , but it seemed that all the Aussie players had their own programmes .
16 Suddenly it seemed that all the news was good .
17 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
18 The end of the nineteenth century was the climax of the Age of Science ; what remains for us is to glimpse briefly the aftermath of that confident period in which it seemed that all the interesting questions must have answers , and that it was the business of natural philosophy to find them out .
19 Then it seemed that all of a sudden Rosie was n't so merry : her laughter was forced , and she did n't wisecrack as you were passing her , until Peggy felt she must seek the reason .
20 In my own study it seemed that young women are becoming more critical of ‘ traditional ’ gender roles , but young men are not .
21 Mr Allan admitted keeping houses secure was a problem and said it seemed that young children were to blame for most of the damage and fires in the street .
22 It seemed that each member of the group had a question to ask concerning his or her own life , and the whole thing turned out to be a kind of Agony Aunt column — you took along your problem and were advised what you should do , and you did it .
23 However , it seemed that each sex could have learnt something from the other on this occasion ; by the end of the day , the beautifully laid-out nursery , ready to provide the young arrivals with constructive play activities , was reduced to utter chaos from the tidal force of juvenile anarchy .
24 A moment later it seemed that boiling water scalded Lexandro 's whole body below the neck .
25 It thus seemed that serial processing was confined to verbal stimuli .
26 It seemed that effective care could be provided if it was structured and organised .
27 It now seemed that military action to push Tito 's forces out of the area might be the only course .
28 In many respects it seemed that feminist aims regarding women 's rights in the public sphere had been achieved .
29 In all directions it seemed that scientific investigation was triumphing over ignorance , and scientific analysis replacing rule of thumb .
30 It seemed that these days his friends needed an excuse to blow the family money on their own pleasure ; it had to be in a good cause .
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