Example sentences of "seem [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In some ways Balbinder seemed the least of her problems at the time .
2 It seemed the least Harry could promise .
3 THE monolithic facade which Eastern Europe once presented to the world never seemed the same after West Bromwich Albion visited Bucharest in 1968 to play a Cup Winners ' Cup match against Dinamo in the August 23 Stadium , where it was rarely the 23rd and seldom felt like August .
4 Because there was no language barrier , everything seemed the same yet it was so very different .
5 She seemed the same as ever as she closed in on him with that unfortunate overbearing manner , except that today there was an almost wild look about her as she burst out , ‘ I felt I had to come , Freddie .
6 At home , whenever I visited , he always seemed the same docile , attractive child sitting silently watching TV in the impeccably tidy and attractive furnished living room of the very small , terraced house .
7 The clientele seemed the same sort of rich mixture as ever , and the game of guessing who was what — could the distinguished looking old boy be a Thuringian baron , the owner of a launderette chain in South Dakota or a villain from South Croydon ? — kept all its old charm .
8 Otherwise their wonderful staff seemed the same as ever , headed by Mrs Julie Hughes who runs the place so well ; Miss Barbara Hopkins , who has been there since Forest Mere opened , and is invaluable in seeing you have every comfort in your bedroom .
9 Broderick has faced more of a problem , since it seemed a few years back that he had stopped ageing .
10 Jean felt belittled ; for as long as the dance lasted she seemed no more to him than any girl there , but then he came round to her again and clasped her closely as they stepped it down the aisle between the lines of dancers .
11 He reached for Freddy , and with what seemed no more than a flick of his wrist pitched him across the foyer .
12 Her voice faded as her body weakened and drooped , so that she seemed no more than the shadow of the eagle she must once have been , and a shadow that was losing itself in the darkness of a cage .
13 She had gone from happiness to misery and back again in what seemed no more than hours , and the speed of the changes had left her with a sense of unreality that she found impossible to shake off .
14 At first , the difficulty he had in opening the door of his room seemed no more than an irritating trifle .
15 The political references seem no more than accoutrements , just another part of the decor of the period .
16 On the one hand , such proposals seem no more than simple common sense : why should courts decide disputes without being aware of the wider ramifications of what they are deciding .
17 But James 's great houses are rarely inhabited by ancestral families : Lord Mark is an exception , and Lord Warburton offers to move from Lockleigh if Isabel ( however mistakenly ) argues damp from its moat ; in any event , his family 's hold on the house is so frail that his sisters seem no more than faded chintz figures among the faded chintz of their drawing-room .
18 ‘ You have n't seemed the same since — since it happened , ’ she plunged .
19 Internally , it was a different matter where ultra-nationalist rivals and critics of even temporary accommodation with the French , as well as those who were suspected of favouring them , were being liquidated in purges which were probably as bloody as most in Eastern Europe and on some occasions it seems the former were killed as a result of Franco-Vietminh collaboration .
20 And he 's into heavy metal and and we , we both seem to have things in common like and she do does n't like me and she does n't erm you know , she seems the same with me as as she is with John .
21 It seems no more than a charming anecdote , but when Professor Davie cites Bunting 's tale in Under Briggflatts , his history of British poetry since 1960 , he calls the incident ‘ challenging ’ .
22 At times ‘ the Shadow ’ becomes a personification of Sauron , as in Frodo 's remark about mocking and making quoted earlier , at times it seems no more than cloud and mirk , as when the Riders ' hearts ‘ quailed under the shadow ’ .
23 Sometimes a real sense of space is achieved , as on the second-millennium stele of Naramsin , where figures move up and down a tree clad hill under the stars ; but in general it seems no more than an alternative convention for the organisation of narrative over the surface .
24 The proposal seems no more than a window dressing exercise .
25 Where , then , did and do the remainder , the ‘ others ’ fit : — ‘ on the edge ’ ; in some buffer zone between categories ; or in a hybrid form , grappling both to make a space and to find a name : Fibre Art — Who Are you ? ’ talks of this hybrid form as an ‘ undecidable ’ ( Derrida ) , ‘ something that seems to belong to one genre , but overshoots its borders and seems no less at home in another …
26 Moreover , CD-ROMs , the media the Data Discman plays , while hardly universally established , are by no means the radical innovation they would have seemed a few years ago .
27 Had it not been for splintered wood and debris Alas on deck , and a ripped sail or two , the storm might have seemed no more than a bad dream .
28 The light was not on in his room behind him , and from outside Mr Wolski might have seemed no more than an insubstantial shape , the reds and blues of his pyjamas now turned into grim black stripes against white , such as some of the prisoners in Nazi death camps of the Second World War had worn .
29 Well , Chetwynd wo n't seem the same without you three young ladies , and that 's a fact .
30 ‘ It does n't seem the same since the sponsorship deal ’
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