Example sentences of "seem [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 The central part of the island seemed at first to belong to another and less dramatic world .
2 The formality of the dining-room furnishings seemed at first to change his mood from ease to starch , but it appeared to me after a short while that he was troubled rather by indecision as to which side I was now on , them or us .
3 It seemed at first that Hepworth , too , might make a telling contribution when he began with three maidens , in the course of which he comprehensively bowled Pearson .
4 This confirmed an earlier decision : as a general principle , we would not try to collect only those trees that seemed at first sight to be superior .
5 But when Felicity arrived , three days later , it seemed at first glance as if she had lost every atom of her old charm .
6 Curtis ' incipiently multiracial ideas seemed at first rather startling to some other members of the Round .
7 He seemed at first to be hyper-critical — if not disbelieving .
8 It seemed at first sight to be a chaos of struggling men and horses , a wild mêlée ; but soon it became apparent to the newcomers that it was in fact more like a whirlpool of activity , with the ambushed English , above whom the royal standard wavered uncertainly , in the centre , whilst their more numerous attackers circled round them , smiting and thrusting but apparently making only moderate impact .
9 Sitting together on a settee as they faced hostile questioning , Bill Clinton seemed at first to be struggling as he was tackled over the Flowers affair .
10 All we are left with in this critic 's eyes is the drama of one simple and honourable man created by what seemed at first a ‘ carefully studied impersonation ’ but what became a very moving performance by Muni .
11 Her marriage in 1137 to the heir to the French throne seemed at first to be an ideal match .
12 It seemed at first glance that Louise was wearing a turban ; she had saved her day 's ration of flour and had made a poultice of it for a boil which had erupted on her temple ; her other boils seemed to be growing slightly better .
13 The new President , the inexperienced but determined Harry Truman , seemed at first to take a tougher line with the Soviets .
14 Then she sent Molly into a shadowy room which seemed at first to be empty .
15 However , things are not as simple as they seemed at first .
16 For that brief moment she could see the room beyond him and there , jutting out from what seemed at first glance to be a pillow beneath the blanket , the naked foot of a youth .
17 A hushed audience listened to quality singing star Joan Regan , who seemed at first a little nervous but relaxed with what must be one of her own favourites , May You Always .
18 More important , the big volcanoes which make up the Hawaiian Islands all seem at first sight to have central vents — they are mountains thousands of metres high , with craters right at the top .
19 As Richards has recently indicated , the Cox survey and the longitudinal study are not as mutually supportive as they seem at first sight .
20 Outrageous they seem at first .
21 The dog-handled pot-lids from Mochlos , for example , seem to show a particular dog relaxing on a particular afternoon in the hot bronze age sunshine ; the crowds in the miniature frescoes seem alive with the excitement of the spectacle they are witnessing , and seem to have been caught mid-shout ; the hoopoes in the Pilgrim Hostel fresco seem at first glance to have fallen from the pages of some bronze age edition of Audubon .
22 Claudius made two other arrangements which seem at first sight to be highly anomalous .
23 Concepts , criteria , definitions , and their implications seem at first just verbal and so a matter of convention or even arbitrary .
24 Individual points along a spectrum , on the other hand , seem at first sight to be insufficiently distinguished from one another .
25 It can therefore be seen that these inducements are not quite as attractive as they seem at first sight .
26 The religious culture of Lérins and of Faustus in particular seem at first sight to be at odds with the rhetorical culture of Sidonius 's own writings .
27 Mucosal proctectomy , by contrast , in which full thickness ileum is anastomosed to the anus within the sphincter at the dentate line , seems from first principles more likely to impair the function of th sphincter , and in fact has been shown in several studies to decrease maximum resting anal pressure , although the magnitude of that decrease has varied between studies .
28 At the end of a quarter of a mile of rough track it seems on first sight to be a typically humble and remote farmhouse , with its low and unobtrusive policies almost growing around it .
29 A friend indicated that the Army had seemed at first to understand when the WRAC driver said she feared other Paratroopers would victimise her for ‘ squealing ’ on their pals .
30 The reason that Schrödinger 's and Heisenberg 's versions of quantum mechanics had seemed at first sight different from each other ( see p. 14 ) was that they had chosen to use contrasting extreme possibilities .
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