Example sentences of "woman the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was suddenly seeing herself as a desirable young woman — a woman the famous Maître of the Maison de Verveine might have wanted to marry had he been free .
2 Just as they planned , the couple set upon the unfortunate woman the following day , and beat her to death before pushing her body into the shallow pool .
3 The automatic clothes dryer does not save a woman the four or five hours a week she used to spend at the clothes line , if , for instance , she runs her washing machine and dryer every day …
4 Then I paid the woman the five shillings she asked for her hospitality and went on my way .
5 ‘ I had hoped I would n't have to give a woman the full benefit of our facilities . ’
6 While all women are socialized for domesticity in much the same way — by identifying with their mothers ( and/or other adult women ) as housewives , internalizing the conviction that they must be housewives in their turn — for the working-class woman the linguistic process of role learning is such that ‘ I ’ becomes part of the role .
7 ‘ Not only can we match any skin , from lightest to darkest , ’ he says , ‘ but we can give any woman the exact combination of texture , weight and coverage that she wants in a foundation or powder .
8 ‘ We can match any skin , and give any woman the exact combination of texture , weight and coverage that she wants ’
9 Two in five employers said that a woman the same age and with the same skills as a man would be more likely to be turned down because of her age .
10 A woman the same age as their combined ages stepped into the car at Woodford and quickly stepped out again when she saw Lee swinging from the passenger hand-holds , Damon and Kevin sparring on the floor and Chris doing something to a continental ferry advertisement with a red felt-tipped pen .
11 If the chair is taken by a woman the same phrase can be used or alternatively " Madam Chairman " .
12 It becomes an argument about propriety : Smith says ‘ May it not be that in woman the physical pain neutralizes the sexual emotions which would otherwise … tend very much to alter our estimation of the modesty and retiredness proper to the sex , and which are never more prominent or more admirable than on these occasions ? ’
13 We asked the women the average number of cigarettes they smoked a day and asked those who did not smoke whether they had ever smoked at least 10 cigarettes a day .
14 If we accept that more of the caring is done by women the second problematic issue for family care of elderly people is the number of women who expect to be employed outside the home .
15 The greatest risk in men is found in those with affective illnesses or schizophrenia ; in women the highest risk is in those with affective illnesses and/or personality disorders ( Copas and Robin 1982 ) .
16 For women the corresponding rate ratios were 3.0 ( 2.3 to 3.9 ) and 4.2 ( 2.5 to 6.8 ) respectively .
17 For women the corresponding figure is 5,100 .
18 For male manual workers the proportion was 30.4 per cent in 1968 and 35.9 per cent in 1979 ; for women the corresponding proportions were 31.0 per cent and 38.3 per cent respectively .
19 The RUC also affords community and neighbourhood policemen and women the optimal organizational conditions necessary for effective policing , identified by Fielding et al .
20 Of course , all human beings , male and female , have their share of each , but it seems that in many women the right-hand side , intuitive approach is more developed .
21 By re-reading texts in a more favourable light , she would allow feminist women the better to be able to appropriate the scriptures .
22 Family Allowance as it stands at present is for many women the only money we have which belongs to us by right .
23 In both men and women the first line of treatment is the application of substances to the warts .
24 Examined in very broad terms for both men and women the two largest single causes of death are circulatory diseases ( e.g. heart disease , stroke , etc. ) and cancers of all sites ( see Table 3.4 ) .
25 Although rates of mortality differ between men and women the main causes of mortality do not .
26 Thus Hindu society bestows on its women the paradoxical nature of having power which is both beneficial and dangerous .
27 The grandson of Nokomis , the Earth Mother and the Creator of Fire , Manabozho was credited with many inventions ; for instance , he taught braves how to read signs and omens in the forest , and he taught women the healing benefits of many herbs .
28 Among women the median age at diagnosis remained fairly constant ( 67 years in 1943–62 , 62 years in 1963–77 , and 66 years in 1978–87 ) .
29 High mortgages , the massive increase of families in bed-and-breakfast accommodation , a revised benefits ' system sweeping away school meals ' entitlements and heavily dependent on loans , the Poll Tax , cutbacks in family planning clinics , the introduction of loans in higher education , fare increases and timetable reductions on deregulated public transport — we know that such hardships bear more on women the less money they have .
30 ‘ Do you treat all women the same way ? ’
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