Example sentences of "leave after [art] " in BNC.

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1 Until they do , you may prefer to leave after the cocktails .
2 He had to leave after the first rehearsals when the only line he could remember was the one he 'd tried on the leading lady the night before .
3 They will be put under the strain of doing jobs for which they are unsuited and as a result will either leave after a short time , have the humiliation of being told they are unsuitable , or cause difficulties for other staff who have to rely on them or cooperate with them .
4 If this is not done a disillusioned employee may well leave after a short time and you will have to repeat the expensive and disruptive process of interviewing all over again .
5 And yet the staff , if they did n't leave after the first month , stayed for ever .
6 Most cour I mean you nor you can get up to about ten percent on most cou on a lot of courses , where people leave after the first term .
7 The complex also has a variety of restaurants , and a disco bar where those of us with any energy left after a hard day 's sport were able to relax the night away !
8 They had known such hunger that even now Olga could not bring herself to throw away a single crumb and always ate whatever was left after a meal .
9 Monica made her comment to Tweed when Buchanan and Warden had left after a few more minutes ' conversation .
10 The girl left after a curious look at Jenna and another swift glance at Alain .
11 Easy on the whisky — there is not much left after the great crack we had at the McLaggans ’ .
12 For many years it was considered that tea-bags were filled only with tea dust , the fine residue left after the sorting and packaging of tea , and that the drink obtained by using bags was therefore of very inferior quality .
13 Any oranges left after the five days could be sold to other customers .
14 When the crowds had left after the second home match , Chapman met the helpers in the stand and asked them to take him on trust , asserting that the changes were in the club 's interest .
15 It was an architecture which revived the style of Louis XIV and , with its classical basis , filled the gap left after the decline of neo-classicism , and yet unlike that style it was readily adaptable to the hotels , offices and other new building requirements of the nineteenth century .
16 Manila 's public transport is based on a multitude of ‘ jeepneys ’ the originals of which were surplus US army jeeps left after the war with Japan .
17 Lastly ‘ our Nige ’ pops up in a jazz programme with Peter Pettinger ( piano ) , recorded on impulse in the time left after the Elgar Sonata in 1984 .
18 According to one survey conducted in France , only one per cent of Frenchmen have enough energy left after the weekend to have sexual intercourse on Monday nights .
19 Obviously there will be turkey left after the main Christmas meal and there are lots of interesting ways to use this up .
20 Since there is only one cycle created when I to J is added there will be no cycles left after the edge p to q is dropped and so there can not be more than one path from i to l for any i .
21 ‘ The going is not too difficult but there has been a lot of avalanche debris left after the monsoon . ’
22 It must have been built to fill a space that was left after the five houses had been completed .
23 Namely , a sentence in the police officer 's statement of evidence to the effect that ‘ Should anyone come into contact with the jagged metal on the front nearside wing they would be injured ’ , or ‘ If a pedestrian collided with the piece of metal left after the front nearside wing mirror had broken off , he would be injured ’ .
24 ‘ He had to pick an England team from what was left after the week-end games a fortnight ago , while I found myself with just two players at Highbury for almost the entire week .
25 Despite the Second Test trouncing by New Zealand , Murphy says Ireland needed that match , ‘ We 'd have come home with a very mistaken picture of our true form if we 'd left after the first international ’ .
26 The trend of the fracture or graben left after the 1989 eruption is shown .
27 Continue and take the first left after the flyover into Westminster Way .
28 Thus our very existence could be regarded as a confirmation of grand unified theories , though a qualitative one only ; the uncertainties are such that one can not predict the numbers of quarks that will be left after the annihilation , or even whether it would be quarks or antiquarks that would remain .
29 James had left after the show , Jack had gone back to London , which just left Ben and some warm champagne and a plate of dryish chicken sandwiches to mull and bitch over till 2am .
30 When you are unemployed , there is not much left after the job centre and the twenty third job application form to occupy your time .
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