Example sentences of "leave in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The shaikh complained that he had to leave in a hurry ; his opposite number had left by plane , and he had to drive urgently to Kufra for it was essential that as many people as possible should turn up , to emphasize the seriousness of the affair .
2 La Rozière had to leave in a hurry , but he brought back much useful information and , promoted to lieut. -colonel , was employed to survey the facilities available on the French coast for embarking the invading army .
3 ‘ She was just about to leave in a limousine and there were a lot of journalists about .
4 He 'd declined the butler 's offer to take his coat : he might want to leave in a hurry .
5 I could n't explain that I would have had to leave in a month or so anyway — but I pointed out that in fact I was n't well , had n't been for quite a while whatever he chose to think , and that a rest would do me good .
6 Keep ship 's papers and passports in a safe , but easily accessible place : you may have to leave in a hurry .
7 Airway not planning to leave in a hurry , are you ? ’
8 Striker Baxter could be first to leave in a £12,000 move to Distillery , a record signing for the Whites .
9 Opposing bail at the Magistrates Court , a detective said the two women had been left penniless and without passports but were planning to leave in a couple of days .
10 ‘ We 'll have to leave in an hour , ’ he said .
11 The Damiani family made their decision to leave in the third week of April after snipers in Tel Aviv began shooting into the centre of Jaffa , sending at least one bullet into David Damiani 's home .
12 And delighted Blades , who began the season on a month 's loan at Molineux , insisted : ‘ I never wanted to leave in the first place . ’
13 After a week of that I decided one night to leave in the morning .
14 In Parma the Germans and Fascists began to leave in the early hours of the morning .
15 Purcell probably completed this piece late , and supplied it on a separate sheet ; the part-copyist would have been able to gauge from the skeleton provided in the score how much space to leave in the second violin and viola parts .
16 Alain acquainted her with the necessity to leave in the morning and would not countenance any thought of her staying here alone .
17 I 'm to leave in the morning , remember ? ’
18 You 're going to have to leave in the clothes you 're wearing , and ‘ t was damned wet and cold out there when I arrived earlier . ’
19 And , since he took as starting points the avoidance of waste and of idleness , he argued : let care be taken not to leave in the instance of any individual whatever the smallest fragment of ability unemployed . "
20 But it would be impolite to leave in the middle of the band 's set .
21 Before a BBC Radio Cleveland debate yesterday , he was obliged to explain off air that because of an undemocratic stomach bug he might suddenly have to leave in the middle of the proceedings .
22 So when my father had to leave in the summer he thought fit to send me here to my lord Isambard , to keep me from under my brother 's feet until Isabel 's safely wed .
23 sort of , quarter past seven he 's had to leave in the morning to get there and then not getting home to , sort of , seven o'clock Dave picks up from the station and I think
24 As she walked from the post office empty handed , she pretended to be an American tourist , one who could leave in a few days , one for whom the trip would soon be nothing more than a few travel stories and postcards .
25 We can leave in a convoy from my house to ensure that everyone gets transport .
26 Unless a serious breach of your contract has taken place , or your employer has made it clear that it will take place , you should not leave in a huff .
27 ‘ I 'll leave in a few minutes and be with you in about half an hour .
28 ‘ We can leave in an hour or so when everyone is asleep .
29 We 'll leave in an hour .
30 They feel that if Jobson resigns , Dave Webb , the most successful manager in the club 's history , will not leave in the summer .
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