Example sentences of "system [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 No prior warning can be given to travellers as it is obvious that the public address system has been infiltrated and now issues an even worse form of gobbledygook than hitherto .
2 Now a perfectly good internal sprinkler system has been developed which for £500,000 could be fitted to an aircraft and would put fires out within 10 seconds .
3 The electoral system has been a barrier to realignment .
4 An inadequate system has been made worse by the Government 's decision that it will no longer accept responsibility for collecting maintenance unless there have been irregular payments .
5 That information is sent to tactical computers in control stations to produce guidance for artillery and missiles — the American army 's new tactical missile system has been designed to operate as part of such a set-up , hitting targets more than 100km ( 60 miles ) off .
6 International interest in Manchester 's system has been created not so much by the hardware as by the partnership involved between the public and private sector — the Greater Manchester Metro consortium includes GEC-Alsthom Transportation Projects , Mowlem , Amec , Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive and Greater Manchester Buses .
7 Frequent tinkering with the system has been a feature of politics in France , where it is possible to change the constitution by simple majority .
8 Unease about the financial stability of the Japanese banking system has been reflected in a 40 p.c. fall in the value of bank shares since the beginning of April .
9 Bt strains have traditionally been classified by serotyping , but this system has been unable to cope with the vast number of new strains discovered recently .
10 It is ironic that the British government should have gone through so many contortions over local government tax , finally to arrive at a system whereby the bulk of tax is raised centrally and distributed to the local authorities , while such a system has been the norm in Germany for decades .
11 However , the Leeds system has been criticised on various grounds , the major complaint being that repeated adjournment of individual cases , and randomised outcomes to test whether adjournment or supervision was the more effective , was illegal .
12 For plastic tray washing the standard continuous flow system has been modified to route items into the wash tank in which there is a high power ultrasonic generator .
13 That the court is entitled to establish its own classification system has been seen already .
14 No system has been described in which positional signals have to be transmitted over more than about half a millimetre , or about 30–50 cells .
15 It has proved impossible to determine whether the French LFA farmer is better off financially having loans compared with his UK counterpart receiving a capital grant ; the indications are that the UK system has been a greater incentive , especially towards land improvements .
16 McClellan 's system has been used successfully as the foundation for provision at his former authority of Tottenham Public Libraries , and a handful of authorities still use those ideas today in modified form .
17 A kind of ‘ halfway house ’ between the area system and the reference departments/area system has been reached by some of the authorities which do not have a large city collection within their boundaries , but feel that the needs of the ‘ serious ’ reader should nevertheless be given special attention .
18 The Cabinet system has been different for Heath , Wilson and Mrs Thatcher .
19 A possible pathological role for the renin-angiotensin system has been proposed .
20 Creating a teaching force which is adequate to the rapidly growing system has been another problem .
21 because of the conflict which El Salvador is going through , the education system has been divided into two .
22 Since the National Party came to power in South Africa in 1948 , the education system has been one of the principal instruments through which the apartheid system has been sustained and perpetuated .
23 Since the National Party came to power in South Africa in 1948 , the education system has been one of the principal instruments through which the apartheid system has been sustained and perpetuated .
24 While the education system has been a major target for opponents of apartheid since the 1953 Bantu Education Act , it was not until the 1980s that more concrete attempts were made to formulate ideas for another kind of education system .
25 In the last 200 years the irrigation system has been extended to increase the number of crops grown annually and especially to increase the cultivation of cotton which is a major export crop .
26 Typically the means of issuing commands using this system has been via a window-icon-mouse-pop-up menu ( WIMP ) display , where the mouse is used to point at icons or menus in windows ( which are subsets of the screen working area ) .
27 In the past few years the appeal system has been successfully used to overcome the resistance of reluctant local authorities , and development has tended to proceed on an ad hoc basis with new centres sited where developers can acquire land easily rather than on the basis of any strategic plan .
28 It is difficult to be precise until the system has been implemented , but some results seem likely .
29 The Type I system has been likened to a Health Maintenance Organisation ( HMO ) , with the difference that the health authority is compulsorily responsible for all residents of a particular location , and thus has no choice over membership .
30 Already this system has been extensively used in the USA where , increasingly , the Medicare system is reimbursing hospitals on the basis of a price per DRG .
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