Example sentences of "erm [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The other , the other thing that we worked , w we 've been working with , and are still working with , erm to take up campaign for tenants in who 're on Supplementary Benefit or Housing Benefit supplement , erm to claim the higher rate heating addition for their flat .
2 Erm , it 's first of all , I thinking about changing their , like say for example , you know , the guy speak to me about change , erm a systematic erm to see the benefits bringing about change without his image .
3 Erm got the corner
4 Anyway this man without the arms , he went to and he had er he had er a pocket outside his jacket here , and he he erm got the brooch and he called on the at the house where this woman was and he says , Put your hand into that pocket , he said , and she puts her hand in , Oh , she say , she says , You 've got the brooch .
5 erm Rusty in the fact that erm we have n't been able to sort of erm get out on the field with a ball in our hand , erm but erm our coach erm Ian McMillan has taken the opportunity to drag us into the gym and give us quite erm hard fitness sessions , so the fitness is still erm quite high on our side , but erm handling the ball will be a little bit rusty , but hopefully this week , now all the snow 's gone , we 'll be able to get out and erm move the ball about at training .
6 He 's a bit like erm what 's that erm tut the one that er Castle Greyskull , what 's , what 's the
7 If there are any queries on that you have n't erm received the money or anything just get back to us and er we 'll
8 Now in fact that 's not what we like our stewards to do , what we like our stewards to do is actually to help people to enjoy themselves , to help people to erm to enjoy the house and to sit on things and and and actually say , no please sit down on that if you like to , it 's perfectly alright , that 's what it 's for .
9 yes , to erm rational well to erm explain the beginning , you know , to , to get the hatred and the erm , sense of injustice out of your system .
10 Erm undermine the policies of conservation and restraint in the county .
11 They 're erm electrifying the line .
12 Okay er Phil I 'll need to see you about erm organizing the unit party .
13 Taken off the typist 's grade on to what was then called higher clerical and erm given the job of erm looking out for erm er awards , er both university and teacher training and
14 We have overhauled the plans in some of the companies , we 've considered changes that should be done to erm make them more , actually more cost effective for the employee , there 's an element of shifting the cost to the employee while still providing them with coverage and I think the other thing is that erm given the the redundancies that have gone on in Camco and other parts of the group and cost cutting generally , it 's very difficult at this stage to predict you have all sorts of things like actuarial assumptions erm cost inflation of medical costs .
15 and your point in this context , it , as I say the context in which I 've asked you to address me , I suppose you would say , erm given the matters are arguable or whatever the test is under those issues , er , nevertheless if you allow the case that 's been put up , erm , either by way of defence or by way of set up or by way of counter claim to impede the collection of funds , erm , then er you are not then you are erm , erm taking a measure which could could , jeopardize the of the objectives of this treaty , er whereas I image you will say , or you might say , I do n't know , erm , provided this does n't impede the collection of central funds erm , in the meantime , if er the defendants wish to pursue their counterclaim to trial then er , there 's nothing to prevent them from doing so
16 So if you erm press the return key er go into option three right and what we 'll do is we 'll , we 'll plot erm plot the histogram of the residuals because what this test for normality is doing is seeing whether the residuals we get from our regression are normally distributed , right O and S assumes that they will be .
17 Well cos I letting the ships go and they , that was a night time and course I do n't know what happened over , over the argument but anyhow these boatmen they lost their job , they n never been happened since cos the then the Dock Commission took over the erm roping the ships in , come under Ipswich Dock Commission .
18 and in a sense he remembered this post-war and , being very instrumental in post-war political affairs , erm regarded the English with some degree of suspicion .
19 We 've erm completed the grape vine sample cassette now , , so that should be available in the next two or three weeks distribution .
20 They can be more selfless , more public spirited , more erm idealistic than they would be on their own , because the super ego can presumably erm influence the ego in both directions , it can make the ego erm transcend itself as it were to higher ideals and like someone sometimes sees this in , in group behaviour , but equally of course it can erm debase the ego by setting lower standards than the ego would normally accepted itself .
21 Yes if erm two girls were in a toilet you were fined and they used to stop the money , oh yes two girls were fined it was a very strict there it was er quite as strict there as it was a H & T Hornes and erm you , you but you could have a drink there , but er at one time before they allowed a drink , a cup of tea , the men used to , someone to watch to see if , when we were working in the top shop cos we could see if anyone came up the , up the shop into , from the bottom shop into top shop then they put a can on erm on something to boil you see and er oh and we got a little sto coal stove to heat the shop , no central heating pipes or anything like that , and they put er someone you could see anyone coming up the , up the steps and er anyway there was someone , one of the bosses coming up so they erm whipped the can off , ran round the back of the bench wh where there were a lot of hand presses going and Mr walked straight he was only mad that off the can of boiling water
22 But their standard year does erm make the normal
23 Well for instance a lot of people did n't even bother to erm make the kitchen floor into anything reasonable , but we did , we , we got some very good , very heavy
24 Erm my first job was erm helping the keeper .
25 still had no prospects of employment and I do n't think er , er my parents had any erm particular ideas and my father who worked for erm Roads and Bridges Department was speaking to the Chief Clerk at that time , that was , er , his name was in fact and erm he was a very sympathetic character and er he said he 'd have a word with erm with somebody in the County Council and erm see if they could find me employment as a typist and erm using the argument of course that the Education Department had up to that time at the R N C erm paid the balance of the fees for my course , erm I could just mention to you that the scholarship was worth forty pounds a year fee .
26 Erm does the fact of erm using the aircraft to er provide a platform for these systems , er tell us something about a change in view about the role or operating concept of the aircraft ?
27 Erm drawing the client , is he has confidence in us say , well York have got their act together .
28 Well okay so so you 're going to you 're going to erm emphasize the er the fact that what we are supplying is a noise tested
29 Erm goes the shore sometimes and it when you see them .
30 Now if th this side , the list on this side erm represents the sort of essential characteristics of a Marxist political party , and if that 's a reasonable er summary , and people might want to take issue with it argue that these are n't the essential characteristics , that there are other essential characteristics or one other important er characteristic which I 've ignored , but if these are , down this side , the essential characteristics of a Marxist party then Mao 's Communist Party in the late nineteen thirties can not , it seems to me , by any stretch of the imagination qualify .
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