Example sentences of "work in one " in BNC.

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1 These producer 's lives are not easy though : not only is there a constant pressure on TV bosses to axe unprofitable baby programmes , but their lives are a constant struggle to be simple without being simple-minded , to give information without being dull , and to work in one of the most sophisticated media ever invented without losing that childlike sense of wonder .
2 This is the only permanent method of hair removal , and even electrolysis does not necessarily work in one go .
3 ‘ You 've had experience as a shop assistant , so you could work in one of our shops .
4 Studying in Edinburgh provides a student with an opportunity to live and work in one of the most attractive cities in the country .
5 This frequently necessitated the redistribution and scattering of men who formerly worked in one department and under one roof .
6 Catherine Pawlicki , a nurse manager from Kansas , said some nurses who worked in one hospital for lengthy periods established a strong bond with it .
7 His father owned several mills , not just in North Carolina , and Stanley Pons worked in one of these in Louisiana where he met his present wife , Sheila , and then he became manager of a restaurant that the family owned in Palm Beach Florida .
8 After a period teaching abroad he returned to the UK and worked in one of the city 's newly opened centres for suspended pupils .
9 Mrs. Sturgess was the hard working cleaner/caretaker of St. Martin 's Boys ' School whilst her husband worked in one of the many mineral water factories , unfortunately he had lost one eye in an industrial accident for which apparently no compensation was paid .
10 Ever since she had left school Paula had worked in one of the big department stores in Bristol and she loved it , although the lengthy journey made for very long days and the bus fares ate holes in her meagre salary .
11 A not untypical background of an early headhunter was someone who had had general management experience and had worked in one or more functional roles , and then found themselves , for the best of reasons , on the market .
12 Buzz remembered Nurse Evans , who 'd been with Nell in Ward C at La Chapelle ; after the war , Evans had worked in one of those rich bins before she 'd married a Lutheran minister and gone to live in Scotland .
13 Fortunately there is a surprising repetitiveness about human nature : a good deal that has worked in one field is quite likely to work in another field .
14 ‘ I work in one of the hotels — the Marine .
15 Not just a situation where you work in one place and when you leave you leave the union as well .
16 It was great to be working in one place for a few nights on the trot so that I could afford to go to that amount of trouble . ’
17 The solidarity of the community is strengthened … by a shared history of living and working in one place over a long period of time … .
18 Our description of short-term contract working In one of its most traditional forms — seasonal working — has shown that temporary workers can not always be distinguished from regular workers simply by reference to the contract of employment under which they work .
19 There was me and two other girls working in one flat .
20 You 're working in one of the , of the less affluent parts of Harlow are n't you ?
21 First he reminded us that it had taken him no time at all to find the Ardakkean thief — an off-world technician working in one of the phetam refining plants .
22 There is very little actual fish catching to report this month , so with things being slow it has given me a chance to read up on fish nutrition , something I have a reasonable knowledge of due to once working in one of the then leading fish culture units at Aston University .
23 In another story , Frank tries his luck as a gas repair-man and , while he is working in one house , there is an enormous explosion and the doors and windows blow out .
24 The scientists were working in one place and in one way , the police in another .
25 It is n't at all easy erm for people who have been accustomed to working in one system really to appreciate erm the nuances , the differences , the pressures on another system .
26 Simon Rundell , who works in one of the London hospitals threatened with closure , has a few home truths for the health secretary
27 It may be helpful at this point to illustrate the function of marked theme by discussing some examples of the way it works in one language , English .
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