Example sentences of "work in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
2 Occupational segregation by sex — the tendency for men and women to work in distinct occupations , often in single-sex situations — has persisted with little change throughout this century .
3 The Energy Action Grants Agency has appointed approved network installers to work in all areas of the country .
4 First Class : English for Tourism is a new course for people working , or training to work in all areas of the tourist industry .
5 At the age of 16 I started to work in all kinds of crop harvesting .
6 You can train with the Crown Prosecution Service if you wish and it gives the opportunity to work in all parts of the country and to practise advocacy .
7 But Leonard is not of that cloth ; his nature is obsessive ; what he does , he must do with abandon ; he has to work in total conviction , and dedication .
8 I wondered what it must be like to work in such an atmosphere .
9 And yet more and more people , particularly in cities , are being forced to work in such conditions .
10 Finch disapproved of Flynn coming to work in such a state , but when drunken Flynn caused chaos on the set , Finch knew that the fading swashbuckler was incapable of filming for that day , so he would join Flynn for a drink and a sing-song .
11 It was a monstrous way to have to work in such a complex field .
12 I really would n't know how to work in such a way that you had to consider what other people might or might not want to hear .
13 What was the point in punishing herself unnecessarily by continuing to work in such a hostile atmosphere , no matter how interesting the actual job was ?
14 With George 's anarchic tendencies I often wondered why he ever chose to work in such a highly structured and formal setting as the organisation .
15 Unfortunately there is no semantic theory currently available that is able to work in such a way for a broad coverage of English .
16 Those of my constituents who are members of the police force — both uniformed and civilian — and those in the constituencies of my hon. Friends are absolute saints to continue to work in such circumstances with bravery , courage , commitment and cheerfulness .
17 This means that the clinical teacher has to work in many different wards .
18 For her part , however , the clinical teacher has to work in many wards , and is unable to become expert in any one speciality .
19 India and Pakistan , but he had to work in each case through the chief executive who was charged with running the business .
20 In CHILE — God challenged us in our commitment to him and called some people to work in specific countries in the future .
21 Some Eastern European countries — the USSR , for example — have attempted to deal with this problem by directing professional staff to work in certain areas for a limited number of years , as well as providing them with incentives in terms of higher salaries , pension rights , housing , etc .
22 Garotting gangs were said to work in threes — a ‘ front stall ’ and a ‘ back-stall ’ who acted is look-outs — and a ‘ nasty ’ man' who moved in from the rear : hug on' had been used by guards in the convict hulks in order to subdue troublesome prisoners , and that this was where the original garotting gangs had learned the art .
23 Teachers taking part will be asked to work in threes , each group being given a theme or aspect around which to devise a short combination of movements .
24 Justice Minister León Carlos Arslanián was dismissed on Sept. 8 , after he objected to interference by President Carlos Saúl Menem in the appointment of 235 judges to work in penal appeals courts .
25 Klaus was a boy with a good school certificate who wanted to join ICI to work in chemical engineering .
26 4/I continue to work in small areas across the paper , making each one blend into the next .
27 I continue to work in small areas across the paper , making each one blend into the next .
28 Home care aides were selected to work in small teams with the services managers , each having not more than two clients .
29 Men use video cameras and produce and film ‘ news bulletins ’ as a useful way of learning to work in small groups , to see how they present themselves and to gain confidence generally .
30 The Schneiderei is located at Gereonswall 8 in Eigelstein , a neighbourhood with many Turkish shops and resident artists tending to work in small flats rather than ateliers .
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