Example sentences of "mean more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well I suppose more salted meat I mean more home home butching and erm making bread I suppose or the womenfolk were likely baking every day .
2 Why holidays mean more work
3 She says staffing problems in her area are n't especially acute — but that these days , short hospital stays mean more work for the community midwives .
4 High interest rates and falling values mean MORE repossessions .
5 More pupils mean more money for the school .
6 The public mood seemed to be that more organizations mean more bureaucracy , complexity and expense .
7 " We need to save more — expand the pool of capital for the new investments that mean more jobs , more growth …
8 Assynt is so heavily populated with small fish , it is considered good policy to reduce their numbers ; fewer mouths mean more food all round , and larger trout .
9 But will the increased availability of energy in the village really mean more energy for the very poor ?
10 A third reason is the rise in water-quality standards , which mean more attention is paid to monitoring contamination in water supplies .
11 Animal instinct warned him that the car 's appearance meant more enemies that he could handle in his present condition .
12 My time at the DHSS showed that it was impossible to make any significant change without a fierce public and professional battle — even when improvement meant more resources for health care or put right long-standing problems .
13 It meant more bread for the hungry , higher wages , and fewer hours of work .
14 More media , equally , meant more scope for conglomeration — horizontally , at local , regional or national level , and vertically between all three .
15 Better ploughs meant more land could be planted .
16 Oh aye aye er there was always that in the back of their mind that the the more rivets they put in per day , although it meant more money at the end of the week possibly , er it also meant that the the boat was therefore progressing or the ship was progressing that quick , that they were getting nearer the gate as the the saying went .
17 Dr Margaret Ashwell told the conference that the worst form of middle-age spread was around the middle as the traditional beer-belly shape meant more fat was concentrated where it does most harm — around the internal organs .
18 In Britain , the company said it was hit by this year 's hot summer which meant more women were prepared to go without stockings or tights .
19 This meant more teachers and members .
20 This meant more teachers and members .
21 But foreknowledge meant more choices for Spiderglass to take away .
22 For Kylie , however , there was no looking back , and the future for now meant more work with SAW in London where she was to record an album as soon as her Neighbours commitments allowed .
23 I could see the attraction for the Government ; a positive response was more difficult to formulate and meant more work .
24 Britain had been unable to protect Czechoslovakia or Poland in 1938–39 , and every month before a possible invasion meant more aircraft , guns and ships .
25 But then the good old American public elected Nixon so here you had Al Capone in the White House and these same political scientists wrote books saying hey hang on , when we said more power to the president we meant more power for our kind of president , you know , Jack , you know , and L B J and the boys , not this Nixon , Tricky Dicky character .
26 The best example is California — the shift of population from the countryside to the cities meant more cars , more houses where orchards used to be , less clean air , fewer clean lakes and rivers , etc .
27 The pagination Table ( 6.4 ) gives a rough indication of national dailies ' increase in size ( new type faces and better ink eventually meant more words per page ) .
28 Eva 's graduation year meant more joy for the family .
29 More spare time , it was discovered , meant more time spent watching TV , the chief leisure activity for all classes .
30 The higher number of births from the mid-1950s and through the 1960s inevitably meant more pensioners sixty years on .
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