Example sentences of "government do not " in BNC.

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1 It understood governments do not run economies , they only create the conditions by which the people and commerce do .
2 After Thursday , a new maxim ought to state that governments do not win elections , oppositions lose them .
3 While it is unquestionably a step in the right direction for such international teams to make recommendations as to optimal treatment schedules and ideal diagnostic facilities , it avails little if governments do not take their advice or if there is a shortage of money , personnel , or both .
4 Could it be their governments do not believe that the Iraqi regime will eventually be forced to make good the costs of the operation ?
5 Governments do not exercise the same sway over the House of Lords ; notwithstanding that the House of Lords is sensitive of its constitutional vulnerability and hence wary of obstructing governments , it can be more troublesome for a government to negotiate the passage of a Bill through the House of Lords than through the House of Commons .
6 If governments do not support or even own both , governments are , in any case , the news media 's most important social actors and their most ‘ authoritative source ’ .
7 Although Governments do not always adopt their recommendations , specialist committees are often a necessary device to investigate the practical implications of proposals for change .
8 Governments do not sell the bulk of their goods and services .
9 German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher told the conference on Sept. 10 that Germany favoured the creation of a UN-style CSCE peace-keeping force with the power to intervene in countries suspected of violating human rights " even if their governments do not agree to this " .
10 Modern democracies are dependent on non-bureaucratic political institutions to ensure that the large bureaucracies employed by modern governments do not become excessively autonomous .
11 ‘ As long as European governments do n't argue about the rules , we can sell our cars throughout Europe .
12 ‘ Wealthy governments have sophisticated techniques and easy access to skills and expertise which the less rich and powerful governments do n't .
13 Governments do n't invest properly — unpopular job losses , even if commercially necessary , are likely to be resisted , ’ was how one put it .
14 The favourite illustration of a public good was the lighthouse : the conditions of non-excludability and non-rivalrous consumption were both met , and it was obvious that if governments did not provide lighthouses nobody would .
15 It is that if governments did not do this kind of thing the probability of their interfering in the workings of the market economy would a that much greater .
16 On the other hand , while the High Authority required the support of the Council in , for example , any attempt to limit output because of overproduction or when seeking an equitable distribution of supplies during a shortage in output , the Council of Ministers was inhibited to some extent because the national governments did not directly finance the ECSC .
17 But these were a tiny minority of the West European population and European governments did not take kindly to idealists who believed that a European parliament and an American-style single market could be created swiftly on a continent whose linguistic , cultural and socio-economic differences had been ingrained over centuries .
18 It was , of course , more difficult in the 1970s , when Governments did not have majorities of that nature .
19 Hence it should be no surprise that ordinary policemen and women come to feel that the police management and the government do not care that the risks associated with routine policing in a divided society are borne primarily by them : that the ordinary policeman and woman can be sacrificed for the sake of wider goals , the purpose of which they often have difficulty in comprehending .
20 The absence of a Committee on a particular subject ( for example , agriculture or poverty ) does not mean that the Government do not attach importance to it ; and the fact that a particular Minister is not on a Committee does not mean that he does not attend when his interests are affected .
21 This indicates that the politics of local government do not just respond or react to the local environment , but crucially that they also help to mould this environment , and thus to a certain extent help to shape the local political agenda .
22 The Speaker and members of the government do not participate .
23 Adrian , 33 , who started up in 1986 , says : ‘ The Government do not appreciate what is happening in the High Street to small independent businesses .
24 Even if the Government do not propose legislation themselves , I imagine that some Private Member will introduce a Bill and I must confess that I can see no way of postponing this issue to a ‘ gentler age ’ .
25 Marxist accounts of the growth of government do not concentrate specifically upon the issue of government growth , rather their discussions of increasing public spending are usually couched in terms of a more general explanation of the role of the state .
26 argument because the real reason for opposing the new clause is that the Government do not believe that private sector operations should be reviewed by any consumer body or consultative committee .
27 If the Government do not have the power of veto and we risk having those directives imposed on us , it is an extremely serious matter .
28 Is not the simple truth that the Government do not give a damn about law and order and do not care about the safety of people in their homes and on the streets ?
29 Will the Prime Minister tell us why Chancellor Kohl and his fellow Conservative Heads of Government do not agree with him that , by adopting the social chapter , they will jeopardise jobs ?
30 What those Heads of Government do not have is a record of losing 768,000 jobs in their countries in the past 12 months .
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