Example sentences of "government have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A series of nationalist governments has sought help from abroad which they hoped would balance Western backing for Israel .
2 Public pressure on the Canadian and Quebec governments has resulted in the pledge of more than 2.4 billion dollars over the next 10 years to clean up the St Lawrence and create a marine sanctuary for the remaining belugas .
3 A series of French-established puppet governments has tended to enhance the prestige of Ho 's government and to call in to question , on the part of the Vietnamese , the sincerity of French intentions to accord an independent status to Vietnam .
4 Interest in money supply control on the part of governments has brought to the fore the notion that ‘ rational ’ expectations on part of the private economy may limit the efficacy of policy and in some cases thwart it .
5 ( The Canadian , Mexican and US governments had announced on Feb. 5 that Canada was to join the negotiations on a free trade zone . )
6 Before the Suez débâcle in the autumn of 1956 , British governments had felt themselves able to dictate the pace at which the colonial Empire would be transformed into a cohesive Commonwealth of Nations : after Suez the imperial ethos was shattered , and our run down to middle-power status was no longer resisted .
7 All , or most , major socioeconomic groups and the six governments had believed that its benefits for their own interests outweighed its disadvantages .
8 Both governments had asked for the help of the governments of Argentina , Chile and the Andean Pact countries ( Bolivia , Ecuador and Peru ) to resolve the matter .
9 If Europe 's governments had to say why the ERM needs no repairs , they would say the following .
10 But it emerged at the meeting , held in Yokohama , Japan , that only seven of its 47 member governments had prepared strategies for meeting this target .
11 Worldwide governments had blown it for different reasons .
12 A joint communiqué signed at the UN in New York by the Singaporean Foreign Affairs and Community Development Minister , Wong Kan Seng , and the Chinese Foreign Minister , Qian Qichen , stated that the two governments had decided to establish diplomatic relations " on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence and the principles enshrined in the Charter of the UN " .
13 Transport : Separate negotiations between the EC and the Austrian and Swiss governments had covered , but not settled , the matter of Alpine lorry transit .
14 Successive Liberal and Conservative governments had lost the battle for the state medical regulation of women , largely as a result of sustained feminist opposition .
15 Environmental groups also criticized the agreement , claiming that governments had bowed to the demands of chemical companies .
16 The devastating IRA bombings — four in four days — topped an agenda which both governments had hoped would concentrate on resuming inter-party talks , now the council elections are over .
17 While the report recognized that some reform-minded governments had sought to correct recent abuses of human rights , others such as India emerged as violators with up to 25,000 political prisoners , many of whom were routinely tortured , some dying , in police custody .
18 Belgium subsequently insisted that one third of the waste be returned to Germany , where , however , there are no licensed storage facilities for it : opposition from the public and state governments had prevented the federal government from pursuing its plan to set up licensed reprocessing sites .
19 Two separate governments had grown up , backed by the two super-powers .
20 Bevin and Marshall agreed on 4 December 1947 that the two governments had done no more than receive broadly similar recommendations from their advisers .
21 All EC governments had undertaken to give the European Commission , by April 1 , detailed plans for achieving the EC 's target date for stabilising carbon dioxide emissions : by the year 2005 for us , and 2000 for the rest of them .
22 Governments had to live up to the mythical images of themselves which were part of their acceptability .
23 It appeared that the " Paris Club " of Western creditor governments had softened its insistence that Ukraine should assume collective responsibility for the former Soviet Union 's foreign debt , following a meeting between Vitold Fokin , the Ukraine Prime Minister , and Jean-Claude Trichet , the Paris Club president , on March 3 .
24 At a press conference in Bonn , a senior official in the Chancellery said the West German and French governments had agreed that the inter-governmental conference on monetary union would begin at the end of next year — as Paris had originally insisted .
25 Ziyad Fariz , the Minister of Planning , announced on March 2 that the " Paris Club " of Western creditor governments had agreed to reschedule part of Jordan 's estimated US$7,200 million foreign debt .
26 Environmentalists dubbed it a failure for this reason , but acknowledged its importance as the first occasion on which all major world governments had agreed that global warming was a reality .
27 In an attempt to continue funding its advanced welfare state , successive governments had borrowed overseas to finance budget deficits , while also presiding over one of the most heavily regulated economies in the capitalist world .
28 It also noted that the Brady plan had been applied on a slow-moving voluntary basis which depended on the goodwill of creditor governments and banks , and claimed that in the absence of such goodwill debtor governments had had no alternative but to declare moratoriums as a means of attracting attention to their situation .
29 From 1976 through to the introduction of the community charge in 1990 , governments had tried to curb local spending by reducing central government support .
30 In about half the countries in the world governments had imprisoned people for their beliefs , while more than 100 governments had resorted to torture or the maltreatment of prisoners ; thousands of people had " disappeared " or were extra-judicially executed in 29 countries , most notably in Sri Lanka , Brazil , El Salvador , Guatemala and Peru .
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