Example sentences of "become too great " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The guilt was becoming too great to bear , ’ she has confessed .
2 First , the strain of maintaining Martin Luther King 's advice to " turn the other cheek " was becoming too great to bear in the face of continued attacks and insults .
3 We can not let them get too far ahead as it will become too great a gap to close even if they did happen to fall over their showlaces again .
4 Soon America was clamouring for the dollar to be let in : its burden of debt to oil-rich countries , which since the late 1990s had refused payment in dollars , had become too great .
5 In fact , many felt its power had become too great and thought it no bad thing when it was forced to close , I believe in 1932 or 1933 .
6 In 1859 , the number of winners ' medals had become too great to be attached to the silver arrow and the trophy was re-modelled in its present form , in which the original arrow is supported by a silver bow and crossed bolts , all standing on an ebony and silver plinth .
7 No mine goes deeper than about 3 km , because heat and air pressure become too great .
8 It would seem fitting for it to be converted and put to some useful purpose , retaining what remains of its equipment , before the deterioration becomes too great .
9 Some writers use an engineering analogy and point out that the words ‘ stress ’ , ‘ strain ’ , ‘ tension ’ and ‘ pressure ’ are used when the load becomes too great and a breaking point is reached ; it is the point where the strain is so great that metal ceases to bend and it snaps .
10 The towers collapse when the height becomes too great and the vocabulary arising from this activity is usually of the type , ‘ Can I make it fall down ? ’
11 When the change of form becomes too great for the old and the new form to interbreed successfully , one is entitled to say that a new species has been generated .
12 And then you come right down here , the stress becomes too great .
13 The Government is believed to be reluctant to push rates any higher , but City analysts predicted it would act if pressure on sterling became too great to hold with intervention alone .
14 They are as follows : the Cabinet Committee system grew up as the load on the Cabinet itself became too great .
15 The demand for gas soon became too great for the coke ovens to supply it , so gas works were set up .
16 Partly this was due to cost , but mainly it was because French cathedrals are so vast and so lofty , with high vaults of great span , that a steeple became too great an engineering hazard .
17 Misfortune was surmounted , and misfortune became too great a burden ; virtuous reputations were earned , and scandalous stories were recounted .
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