Example sentences of "become the new " in BNC.

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1 On this day : the arrest of the Templars for heresy took place in Paris , on the orders of Philip IV , 1307 ; Benedict Arnold was defeated at Lake Champlain , 1776 ; President George Washington laid the foundation stone of the White House , Washington 1792 ; British forces defeated the Americans at the Battle of Queenston Heights , 1812 ; Greenwich was adopted as the universal meridian at the Washington Conference , 1884 ; 41 people were killed during a German air-raid on London , 1915 ; Ankara became the new capital of Turkey , 1923 ; Italy declared war on Germany , 1943 ; the Allies liberated Athens , 1944 ; the first London production of the musical show The Pajama Game was presented , 1955 .
2 Wills , who holds a victory over former world champion Greg Page and was no doubt encouraged by the fact that Derek Williams , whom he had floored and convincingly outpointed in New York this summer , became the new European champion after 55 seconds ' work against Hughroy Currie on Tuesday night , went about his work with pride , determination , and remarkable endurance .
3 Later he became the New Yorker 's music critic and went on to be music editor of the Listener .
4 Friday nights became the new vortex of Mancunian activity and all four would-be Smiths spent time there .
5 Although the practical difficulties of time measurement were such that until the middle of the seventeenth century most clocks had but one hand and the dial was divided only into hours and quarters , the abstract framework of uniformly divided time gradually became the new medium of daily existence .
6 Mr Bernard Harland became the new record holder in 1987 , with a weight of 48 drams 25 grains for his twin firbobs .
7 Ernst & Young became the new auditors .
8 Disco offered an alternative to rock 's boy-meets-girl party conventions and Britain 's dance-floor poseurs , Bowie boys , and girls initially , became the New Romantics , a movement spawning such ambiguous and even asexual stars as Boy George and Marilyn .
9 James F Hudson became the new Field Officer and also editor of the BDN , which had been edited by an editorial board since Frame 's death , and Mrs C. Laidlow ( Kitty ) , a Lady Welfare Officer at Carlisle , was put in charge of the new office as administrative Secretary .
10 When the Boards were abolished in 1902 , the Women 's Local Government Society fought to have women elected to the County and Borough Councils , which became the new Local Education Authorities ( LEAs ) .
11 Elsewhere in India and in Central Asia , the railway station became the new setting for an ancient trade .
12 Sir Anthony became the new chairman on 1 July , succeeding John Maltby , whose term of office ended on 30 June .
13 Also recommended were : the establishment of the Council for National Academic Awards ( CNAA ) to grant degrees to students in non-university establishments [ this happened the following year ] ; the raising of the status of teacher training colleges to colleges of education offering BEd degrees , and their integration into universities [ the former has happened , but not the latter ] ; the granting of university status to the ten colleges of advanced technology [ this was accepted ] , and in due course to other colleges [ this did not happen ; instead , from 1966 many of these became the new polytechnics ] ; and the establishment of special institutions for scientific and technological education and research ( SISTERS ) [ this has not been implemented ] .
14 Abdelhamid Escheikh , the previous Foreign Minister and a former Joint Chief of Staff , became the new Interior Minister .
15 Joseph Rwegasira became the new Minister of Labour , Culture and Social Services .
16 Amongst those members who changed their portfolios was former Economics Minister Chen Li-an , who became the new Defence Minister .
17 On Oct. 8 , 1989 , Roberto Salazar Manrique replaced the interim Justice Minister , Carlos Lemos Simmons , who became the new Interior Minister following the resignation of Orlando Vásquez Velásquez ; Enrique Danies became the new Communications Minister .
18 On Oct. 8 , 1989 , Roberto Salazar Manrique replaced the interim Justice Minister , Carlos Lemos Simmons , who became the new Interior Minister following the resignation of Orlando Vásquez Velásquez ; Enrique Danies became the new Communications Minister .
19 After dissolving his Cabinet on Jan. 30 , 1990 , President Banda appointed a new one on Feb. 23 in which former Minister of Health Edward C. I. Bwanali took over Local Government from Mfunjo Mwakikunga , who became the new Health Minister .
20 Wolfgang Spickermann on Nov. 16 , 1989 , became the new chief editor of the already existing Neues Deutschland [ see also p. 37025 ] which on Dec. 18 appeared in a redesigned form , the words " socialist daily newspaper " replacing " central organ of the Socialist Unity Party " .
21 Maj. Gen. Rodrigo Sanchez Casillas became the new Army Chief of Staff and Brig. -Gen .
22 Garin Aguirre became the new Army Inspector General both replacing those who had " voluntarily resigned " over the La Cutufa affair .
23 On March 2 Pedro Mendes Jurado became the new Attorney General ; he stated that he would step up the battle against terrorism and drug trafficking .
24 The PPD merged with the small Party for New Democratic Alliance in April , and became the New Democratic Party [ see p. 38147 ] .
25 On April 27 , George Brizan , hitherto Finance Minister , was appointed Minster of Agriculture while retaining responsibility for Trade , Industry , Production and Energy ; Tillman Thomas became the new Finance Minster and was replaced as Minister of Works , Communications and Public Utilities by the former Agriculture Minister Phinsley St Louis .
26 Air Chief Marshal Voranart Apichari became the new Supreme Commander .
27 Poltoranin 's deputy , Mikhail Fedotov , became the new Press and Information Minister , but his brief was to be limited to registering and licensing new media and promoting freedom of speech , while Poltoranin was to be responsible for state-owned television and the press .
28 The Assumption in Moscow became the new prototype and was copied again and again all over Russia for many years as the orthodox pattern for such great churches .
29 Frank became the new chairman and we believe that in due course , it 's gon na generate substantial profits .
30 Sir Patrick Mayhew became the new Northern Ireland Secretary .
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