Example sentences of "still [verb] these " in BNC.

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1 people were still using these sort of light fittings ?
2 They still using these old rubber thingy you do n't use heatshrink ones ?
3 When the gunner on the after twin-Lewis was killed , Tom Durrant took over although he already had several serious wounds , and he collapsed still firing these guns at the German destroyer on her third or fourth attempt to approach the ML .
4 If you do n't have still pictures for the video materials you are using , you could still adapt these ideas by using freeze frame on the video itself .
5 It still has these spots , although they have n't got any worse and the other fish have not been affected .
6 Why in such wretched circumstances , faced by such great dangers , did they still prosecute these petty feuds ?
7 They still regarded these leaders as the main enemy .
8 The simple truth is companies with large central data processing facilities will still need these unpleasant , draughty , noisy rooms .
9 However , there is one monkey , the owl monkey of South America , that has little useful colour vision , being a nocturnal animal , but which still possesses these blobs .
10 The census of 1797 still put these classes , slowly diminishing as an element in the State , at 30 per cent .
11 If I do n't manage to contact you in the next few days , I 'll still send these questionnaires in the hope of a splendidly useful response .
12 Traditional crafts are still practised in the Jewellery Quarter , and at the Discovery Centre you can still see these skills in action and learn about the history of the area .
13 Today one can still see these severely damaged sculptures scattered unprotected around the new Tretyakov Gallery building .
14 . I 've still got these cheese cake to finish off , wash your hands .
15 Twenty six quid Chrissy and you 've still got these to use up .
16 I have written to one or two retail outlets complaining about them selling these fish , also spoken to a couple of managers but they are still selling these fish .
17 So if group captain White has already given you an example of the reduction we 've made in in some of our er scalings of those equipment , er it was also suggested by the contractors that economies could be achieved by reducing the number of bases , the extent to which all squadrons should be fully multi role equipped and by contractualising more of the second and third line support , erm , we and the other partners are still considering these proposals in detail er and have n't actually taken decisions yet but there are certainly some possibilities in that area for er economies against the original cost estimate .
18 I still like these here , they 're too near Terry though .
19 So we kept opening the door it blew out once again and he put it on again and we were still getting these fumes till about oh about half past five it seemed to stop , u we had the windows open .
20 ‘ Do you still have these things ? ’
21 But , true to its timid traditions , the English crimi nal justice system still excludes these videos from court hearings be cause of the hearsay rule ; a rule which has never been definitively formulated but which crudely pre vents statements made out of court by a witness to someone else being admissible .
22 ‘ He 's getting fed up of people coming up to him and saying ‘ Are you still running these days ? ’
23 Humans were still doing these jobs : the robots had taken over the skilled elements of the task .
24 Their meaning is not easily grasped by those who have spent some time studying the Christian faith , and yet the church still presents these complicated extracts from the Bible and the ASB to people who may never have heard the name of God spoken reverently before , and who are searching for some germ of belief to help them understand the vacuum created by the death of the person they love .
25 Yet the Labour party still opposes these single-person discounts .
26 The local rag still contained these , but they were outnumbered by descriptions of neighbourhood robberies , muggings , drug-trafficking , rapes and murders .
27 One of them , at any rate , he admitted a shade guiltily , and reminded himself that he had still to get these two ambitious clerics back to Shrewsbury without bloodshed .
28 As long as you still think these thoughts you will continue to believe them and you wo n't succeed .
29 ( After quite a few months of use , I still think these to be the best settings for ploughed land . )
30 Few Beijing campuses still possessed these reminders of the ‘ cult of personality ’ which had led China to the brink of civil war .
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