Example sentences of "through the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 To last through the bleakest of winters , terracotta pots need to be tough and frostproof .
2 The sea is widely expected to break through the narrowest point of the peninsula any year now .
3 Slipping through the nearest black hole , maybe we can retrace the giant steps for mankind which led us here .
4 Pulling his coat collar up around his nape , and plunging his hands into the minty depths of his pockets , Estabrook followed his guide through the nearest gap in the corrugated wall .
5 He turned and dashed back through the nearest gap in the hedge .
6 We 're sticking to our original plan , and they 'll have to accept it , although I sometimes think that , if we knew we were about to die , I 'd rather post Oliver through the nearest letter-box and just let him take pot luck .
7 It pulled up exactly where they intended to and out got a drenched Barbara Coleman who scuffled through the nearest doorway .
8 And as the sound recurred she identified it and fled , with a speed which astonished her , through the nearest door .
9 Having supplied them with a fifth chair , Amiss made them generally comfortable and vanished noiselessly through the nearest door .
10 So I held my breath when conductor En Shao took the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra through the fastest fourth movement of Tchaikovsky 's 4th symphony I have ever heard , wondering what he would do with the resonations .
11 Since LMC passes through the lowest point on LAC , a natural monopolist with steadily falling LAC must face LMC below LAC .
12 You have that choice , that chance to do that for my patients and I tell you , to be with you , to be part of you , I 'm as a , I learn for you , I think of you , and I can just tell you , I wish you all the best , but I wo n't forget your responsibility to help the medical profession to make , with the work they do for a better tomorrow possible , due to your work , your hard attempts to give that financial ability through the best insurance policies on the market today .
13 Threadworms are much more common than many people realise and can so easily sweep through the cleanest and most fastidious of families with young children .
14 On certain days , it was said , a tramcar of unusual design was seen circulating slowly along the lines which passed through the poorest and most deprived slums in the city .
15 He drove through the poorest streets of Paris , and some of the richest ones , and at length , shortly before midnight stopped the car in a wide and gracious street of tall and beautiful houses .
16 They had passed through the blackest part of the valley now and it was a relief to see a light or two at Weem , and across the invisible river at Aberfeldy .
17 Is my hon. Friend aware that although it would be wasteful , unnecessary and expensive to renationalise the National Grid Company , the company has incurred great unpopularity due to its proposals to build pylons through the finest parts of our rural landscape in Cleveland ?
18 They passed silently and swiftly through the rankest , wettest wood , feeding on the soft fungus of the bark of trees , sucking at the dampness in the rotting litter , chewing the lichen from mossy , greying stones .
19 Now Fergie junior , one of the few real success in United 's so-far disastrous Premier League start , has come through the toughest test any youngster can undergo — pleasing his father .
20 A full volley will rip through the toughest regiment causing immense casualties in the blink of an eye .
21 Over four stages , through the toughest conditions , the race was still wide open in April , at the start of the final leg , from Cape Town to Southampton .
22 We put five brands of cracker through the toughest test of alla children 's party at the Abercromby Day Nursery in Toxteth .
23 Through the shadiest part of the wood —
24 Who knows how hard they might be along this slash through the fiercest mountain crag in Wales ?
25 Similarly the sense of hearing , much needed in the battle for survival , ultimately gave pleasure through the earliest kind of music .
26 Being small , slim and nimble , he can squeeze through the smallest of open windows .
27 The double glazing should be well sealed , because air can get through the smallest space , and with it will travel the sound vibrations .
28 One of his specialities is minimal invasive surgery ; executing the maximum work through the smallest incision .
29 Through this you , who have thought that the inner and outer struggle was your own , will understand , know and comprehend through the deepest fibres of your being that you are no longer alone and that everything you do matters to someone .
30 Daniel Defoe ‘ came to Lewes , through the deepest , dirtiest , but many ways the richest , and most profitable country in all that part of England ’ .
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