Example sentences of "through which [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This build would ensure the smallest possible surface area through which to lose heat , though the effect in well-insulated subjects can only have been trivial .
2 These films showed that using the past as a mirror through which to view the present was an approach of limited value during wartime .
3 From the façade and sides rise a mass of spires that form a small forest of stone through which to view Milan from the roof of the cathedral .
4 Banbury offered a bright and clear window through which to view national developments across the 1960s , and into the 1970s .
5 Nostalgia , as recently deployed in the Prime Minister 's sepia invocation of the village bakery , is just about the worst instrument through which to view the future .
6 A minority of the more sophisticated industrialists , technical experts , academics , and publicists enthusiastic about Russia 's industrialization did begin , with official support , to form organizations through which to voice the needs of industry .
7 Above , students in Taiwan learn to produce their own community newspaper through which to voice their opinions and concerns
8 On the other hand it can be argued that the sauropods like Brachiosaurus were so large , and with a relatively small surface area through which to cool compared with their enormous volume , that their cooling rate could have been slow enough to allow them to sustain more continuous activity than smaller , living reptiles .
9 He spent some time in Holland in the company of an Indian guru with whom he had long walks and conversations through which came the realization that he should build a new career around his two key interests : his satisfaction in working with children and his love of Art .
10 It was a hell of leaping flames through which darted black figures .
11 It is this manipulation of time and viewpoint which enables us to choose an appropriate frame through which to explore our dramatic situations .
12 From the hearing teacher 's point of view what occurs is a mixture of modes : the oral/aural ( through which verbal information passes for the teacher ) , the non-verbal ( facial expression etc. , through which emotion is conveyed ) , and the manual ( through which sign language passes ) .
13 The general layout and fine pavements give the site all the appearance of a rich villa , but it has been built on a levelled shelf of tufa , through which flow vigorous streams from nearby springs .
14 village formerly in Middlesex , now in Surrey , through which Sikes and Oliver pass on their way to Chertsey .
15 They have therefore left us with an unusually rich source of material through which to examine several questions about psychosis and creativity already raised , but as yet unanswered , in this and the previous chapter .
16 The old part of the town lay half a mile away in a shallow bowl , through which meandered the river that gave the town its name .
17 A TV screen is a dangerous medium through which to judge any sport , particularly boxing .
18 Until a Teachers ' Council is established , teachers will continue to lack the organisational structure through which to control the entry , training and practice of the members of their ‘ profession ’ .
19 If unreasonableness in its substantive sense is unnecessary as a separate head through which to control the exercise of administrative discretion , it finds company in the notion of bad faith .
20 The magnetron , as it then existed , was a hollow copper block pumped out to a high vacuum , through which ran a heated wire .
21 Officials also confirmed that checks ordered by the US Federal Aviation Authority ( FAA ) on other Boeing 747 cargo planes ( prompted by similarities between the latest disaster and an earlier accident involving a China Airlines Boeing 747 freighter at Taipei in December 1991 ) had uncovered several corroded fuse pins attaching engines to the struts , and a cracked lug through which fuse pins were passed .
22 He did n't appreciate that a production company would only flourish if there were several channels , run by people with diverse sensibilities , through which to filter projects .
23 Where data do exist on support between kin across households , this tends in effect to be limited to documenting the networks through which support flowed and the kind of support which was given , and can give very little direct evidence about the underlying structure of social relations which supported these exchanges .
24 But second , enough of an overwhelming victory for the incumbent leader to rule out what has always been the more credible avenue through which change might occur : her own apprehension , reaching her by whatever means , that perhaps the time has come to quit — before the election rather than after it .
25 Notice they are not only given a reason for observing , which , of course , gives their spectator role a frame through which to watch , but there is also a hint of some responsibility they might have to carry — a necessary engagement is then ensured .
26 This Wordsworthian woman was transformed into a nice old lady in a cottage with a window through which to watch as she said , the world go by ’ .
27 In recent years many economists have argued that there is another important indirect mechanism through which changes in money supply affect aggregate demand .
28 It is worth bearing in mind that reformers chose compulsory part-time day continuation schools as the principal means through which to preach the effectiveness of the doctrine .
29 He wore old jeans , espadrilles and a torn blue T-shirt through which spilled a lot of black chest-hair .
30 He was hostile to the joint-stock company as a medium through which to carry on business enterprise .
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