Example sentences of "thing turn out " in BNC.

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1 As it was , I believe my judgement proved quite sound on the question of timing ; the fact that things turned out as they did is entirely attributable to an error of judgement in another direction altogether .
2 As things turned out , my father 's ordeal proved even worse than might have been predicted .
3 But things turned out as they were bound to do and not as I expected ; there was a typically whole gastrula on my dish the next morning , differing only by its small size from a normal one ; and this small but whole gastrula developed into a whole and typical larva …
4 As things turned out neither of these two conditions were met .
5 ‘ A doubtful honour , the way things turned out , ’ Tom said drily .
6 Which was , as things turned out , lucky for some but ( Jerusalem ) a tragedy to Meg .
7 As things turned out , Cabernet acted as catalyst , improving Chianti but forcing Sangiovese to show how good it really was under pressure .
8 Little wonder , as things turned out , that in adult life poor ‘ W. C. T. ’ , as his cousin William Jowett Titford called him , found it very difficult to convince bureaucrats that he was really called ‘ William ’ , though everyone knew him as ‘ Charles ’ , like his father .
9 Five of the crew had remained loyal to the Orynthia , though Robert only had one mate to rely upon — and that was a situation which would be little short of a recipe for disaster , as things turned out .
10 As things turned out , Benjamin just lived beyond the Victorian era and into the Edwardian : on Sunday 3 September 1905 he was in church about to play the organ for a children 's service when he collapsed .
11 As things turned out it was the Americans who made the greatest contribution , drawing heavily on the practice they had adopted in the last few years to incorporate the expertise available from industry and the unions into their CAB ( as they then were ) investigations .
12 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA had been looking to 1992 as a year of recovery , but that was not quite the way things turned out , and after provisions , the French state-owned company saw even worse figures than in 1991 , losses equivalent to $847m at the current $0.18 rate of exchange compared with $595m a year ago .
13 As things turned out , the seventeenth century saw a total collapse which left both Newbury and Reading only the remnants of their former trade .
14 As things turned out , time was something not just then at our disposal .
15 If things turned out well he would quietly take the credit .
16 As things turned out Meyer had the satisfaction of being able to point to alluvial sources of nephrite in eastern Switzerland and central Germany .
17 Makes me laugh when I think how things turned out . ’
18 My dad blames my mum for the way things turned out for me .
19 As things turned out , it was probably just as well that I was brought gently back to earth by Beryl , who from one of the Trust 's head offices masterminds the working holidays with military precision , advised me that the only available option was a 21-plus Acorn Project at Clumber park in Nottinghamshire .
20 As things turned out , I had a week to cool my heels in New York .
21 we had the ch young children then so that erm all in all I am not sorry that things turned out as they did because erm as luck would have it , you know ,
22 Both victim and offender are satisfied with the way things turned out .
23 The girls did go early , as things turned out .
24 As things turned out this theoretically suspect approach appeared to have been vindicated in practice by the economic experience of the post-war period .
25 As things turned out , however , the unemployment rate in Britain in the 1950s and 1960s only rarely exceeded 2% , there being no tangible evidence of an acceleration of inflation until after 1967 .
26 We had been advised that its latest English translation by Eivor Martinus was more robust than versions of it generally current here — an unnecessary warning as things turned out .
27 A wilderness must follow the possibility of things turning out quite differently from expectations , of disaster , and maybe even degradation , as well as creative surprise .
28 Oh well , it depends how things turn out — we 'll see — soon enough — is it a good idea to go there or not ?
29 However things turn out the geography of football based on the Industrial Revolution seems likely to change in favour of a small ‘ super league ’ which will take high earnings from a ‘ live ’ national TV audience .
30 However things turn out , try to reflect the mood of the scene by the pace of the cutting of your shots : if the children are quiet and thoughtful , the shots can be held a little longer than if they are lively and excited ( provided that the adult does a good job of filling in the gaps in the action ) .
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