Example sentences of "back on the " in BNC.

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1 Before their arrival at Heathrow , their passports and tickets were confiscated ; when the British Airways plane landed , they were separated from the other passengers , put into a van and driven around for several hours before being forced back on the plane and sent out of the UK .
2 Saulieu was back on the map .
3 So Marion , back on the boards after the death of her boring solicitor husband some years ago , compressed her lips and maintained as well as possible the stately calm that so well suited her part as the Balkan Countess whose family jewels were stolen in this season 's Salt and Pepper offering ( Robson the butler was the master crook , in league with the Countess 's French maid ) .
4 Then he added a fatal dose of your ethylene stuff to it and put it back on the carving rest … ’
5 Keeping the rudder still and pulling right back on the stick sharply as the stall occurs , should make the wing drop .
6 The most important thing to emphasise is that , regardless of the attitude of the glider , if it is not responding to moving back on the stick or if the stick is hitting the back stop , a forward movement must be made to allow the glider to unstall .
7 The glider dived almost vertically and I was just in time to pull back on the stick so that we hit the ground in a level attitude without any damage .
8 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
9 A front kick can also be countered effectively by moving back on the diagonal .
10 Menzies was crouching back on the bench , his legs braced , like a cornered hare frozen in a last effort to baffle the enemy .
11 After dinner he leaned back on the sofa , she sat upright across the room in a matching easy chair .
12 Sentences and words also require interpretation — indeed they would seem to require this more obviously than pictures — and so we 're back on the circle of infinite regress .
13 She settled back on the pillow .
14 The final sweaty pull up the eroded rocky path to the summit plateau of Ingleborough was warm work and it was a relief to lie back on the dry grass , rucksack for a pillow .
15 Back on the white(ish) stuff , John Welford made the second ascent of Simon Nadin 's 1987 testpiece Gonads giving it F8a+ , and then red-pointed Out of my Tree at Raven Tor as a warm down .
16 ‘ The night before the protest rally Mr Baker pulled back on the destruction order he 'd originally announced , ’ Kevin explained .
17 ‘ It was always planned he would come back on the bus , but when the usual head count was made for the return journey we , of course , had the same number as when we started out — without Kenny . ’
18 It is a pity some of the professionals were not there learning alongside them : back on the South Bank a full-scale festival of Canadian music is running all week , but its profile has barely risen to the Plimsoll line .
19 The political consequences are first increasing loss of control and crumbling of the party apparatus , next the state 's need to fall back on the army and police to preserve its own existence , public order and , it claims , the chance of imposing painful economic reforms .
20 Forced to convene yet another extraordinary meeting by sacked directors trying to get back on the board , Amalgamated Financial Investments has sent out a suitably apologetic letter to shareholders .
21 With a burgeoning caseload , too few judges , and increasing delays the courts may be tempted to block the further development of the law and to cut back on the advances already made .
22 The noise is formidable , for the rocks clatter and bang away down a steel chute that dumps them back on the ground .
23 They could , in theory , be collected in another trailer and taken away , instead of being put back on the field .
24 Design : Crossed lines over the toytown tram : City transport could soon be back on the right track , says Jonathan Glancey
25 Then , after Earl Grey tea and cucumber sandwiches and no holding back on the cake and scones , the perfectly maintained Bassey chassis repaired to the Ritz 's dining room for a photo session .
26 A return to five furlongs should see him back on the winning path .
27 Workers will not be allowed back on the out-of-service Vulcan II well in Conoco 's Vulcan field until the area is completely clear of gas .
28 He urged Kenneth Baker , the Tory Party chairman , to ‘ get Central Office off its butt , and put the Government back on the beat ’ .
29 Jim lay back on the bale of hay and immediately fell asleep , still grasping the barrel of his rifle .
30 We skirted the artificial Llys y-fran reservoir and chose a route back on the tiny lanes which connect the farms .
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