Example sentences of "down with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Set beside the works of Marquez et al , those of Angus Wilson must have looked distinctly unexotic , weighed down with sociological observation and liberal-humanist philosophising .
2 Releasing Isabel 's face , he stepped away from her , his hard eyes raking her up and down with casual appraisal .
3 Breakfast means making a manful start on the average per capita daily consumption of 9 lb of patisseries and 2 lb of butter , washed down with all the coffee produced by 1 lb of beans , sweetened with a truly papal ration of — yes , every day — 13 lb of sugar .
4 She had gone down with all hands in the North Atlantic .
5 This not merely scattered them but wreaked havoc on the transports which had got out of harbour ; 12 were sunk of which seven went down with all on board .
6 On Orkney 's west coast cliffs we filmed the memorial to Lord Kitchener and the men of the Hampshire which had struck a mine near the shore in 1916 and gone down with all but a handful of survivors ; in the Flow we spoke to divers still bringing up steel and copper from the Kaiser 's sunken High Seas Fleet ; and on the island of Lamb Holm on the eastern side we filmed a sequence of the little Catholic chapel , fashioned out of a Nissen hut by Italian prisoners-of-war who had built a causeway linking the islands after Prien 's successful foray in U.47 against the Royal Oak .
7 She put the thought down with all the other unpleasant thoughts she kept having and flew .
8 ‘ Because it 's in Europe we think we can bring him down with all his works .
9 The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength , and more strength he had just summoned , into the fish 's side just behind the great chest fill that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man 's chest .
10 You bring the log down with all your might .
11 A a apart from Chris and Bill , I 've sat down with all the M S fours an and been through the changes to the appointment contract , and how they now erm form the basis of the er interim client report .
12 She snaked her head forward and bit hard into his nose , biting down with all her strength , ignoring his shrieks of pain , trying not to gag on the blood that filled her mouth .
13 She was wearing a green school coat that was too big for her , so that her little pink hands stuck out all chubby from the sleeves , and she was weighed down with all sorts of rubbish — a shiny brown leather satchel , and a shoe-bag with a bunch of roses embroidered on it , and a hockey-stick .
14 I could have lost my rudder , burnt my boats , turned turtle in a sea of heartbreak or gone down with all hands .
15 John ignored the heat building up under his hands and pressed down with all his weight .
16 He was still by the bomb , whacking the sand with his plank , using both hands to hold it and bringing it down with all his strength , jumping up in the air at the same time and yelling .
17 Oh yeah , but we well she 's gon na change it , d' ya know when you update it you know they bring it back down with all the different words that , that 's being to the the , the , the , the dialect , not the dialect , the the vocabulary they , they 've , they 've got in America .
18 He moved down with sure , erotic touch to stroke the softness of her inner thighs and she stirred under him , her breath beginning to quicken .
19 Loaded down with non-performing assets , the banks have balked at new lending , which grew by just 1.1% over the 12 months to April , its slowest ever .
20 I mean what I 'll do is I 'll come and sit down with each of you and and we 'll
21 Flight graceful , rather slow , with the body appearing to move up and down with each rather exaggerated wing-beat ; may soar high .
22 The World Bank reckons that on most measures of welfare it ranks down with much of sub-Saharan Africa , and only a bit above Haiti .
23 Martin seems to be missing by a distance as we joust it round the table , so after half a dozen exchanges I go down with much confidence on a half-ball cut into the bottom left-hand pocket .
24 Or when I come down with psychosomatic diseases so that my wife babies me and Huxley and Hooker fight all my battles .
25 As Ann Butler led Sarah towards the stairs , to help her out of her wet clothes and rub her down with dry towels , Jonadab seized her hand in both his .
26 Down with Roast beef and two veg !
27 Savour a ‘ Fiorentina ’ , a huge T-bone steak , washed down with ruby-red Chianti .
28 He set the phone down with exaggerated care .
29 When children came running to them for sweets , they scythed them down with automatic fire .
30 She began to wipe the tops down with unnecessary vigour , muttering crossly when water splashed on her dress .
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