Example sentences of "on to [num] " in BNC.

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1 Black boxes the size of video-cassettes were welded on to 3,000 cars and hundreds of loops were buried in the roads .
2 He went on to 58 , putting on 154 with Lloyd , the captain batting beautifully for a century to take his team out of trouble .
3 1 banana sliced on to 1/2 deseeded honeydew melon , plus a diet yogurt OR 1 slice of wholemeal toast with 2 teaspoons marmalade or honey and a small banana
4 Catering & Allied came up with a novel solution : copy the stock file on to one of the two 128k data packs which fit into the back of a Psion Organiser , update that file ‘ on the hoof ’ ; and copy the updated file back to the desktop computer .
5 But the three-minute song is just a left-over from when that was all you could fit on to one side of a 78 record .
6 Then she saw him , hanging on to one of the many bracing beams that ran horizontally across the Lock gates .
7 David Fielding 's set has his familiar white walls and floor , with a series of coloured backdrops on to one of which are projected a distant view of the palace and a nearer one of a stag .
8 You get an Iraqi fighter up there locked on to one of our planes and you 're going to have a problem . ’
9 He had dropped down on to one knee and with head bowed seemed to be pushing at the trolley before him , which for some reason had taken on an obstinate immobility .
10 The whole patrol drove to a position within about sixty miles of Bouerat , and there the raiding party all piled on to one truck which was to be driven close to the port by Hunter himself .
11 As I gingerly stepped on to one last narrow slab , I met someone I knew walking the other way .
12 This structure was only the remains of a bridge , and necessitated a crossing hanging on to one piece of rusty wire while balancing on another single line swinging perilously below .
13 Santiaguito , which was a complex of four distinct domes joined on to one another in a single elongate ridge , is rarely quiet for long , and one can literally hear it growing , because there is an almost continual rattle of small stones and rocks falling from the higher parts down on to the scree slopes below it .
14 He invented a machine which made the job quicker and easier by providing a separate needle for each loop , so as to make a whole row of stitches at one operation instead of casting all the loops on to one needle .
15 But as I continued , it became apparent that the course planners were having increasing difficulty in getting each lesson on to one cylinder .
16 As it was his first visit , the attendant had suggested that he get a good sweat on in the steam room first , then move on to one of the dry heat rooms to continue sweating in comfort on one of the beds provided .
17 My feet were sore , I was roasted like Sunday pork , and I did n't even have the money to leap on to one of the buses that flashed past me .
18 He struggled painfully on to one elbow , guarding his hands , and she put the tankard to his lips .
19 Q I am building some decking on to one end of my 10″ x 8′ x 3′ pond .
20 Thanks to the likes of Pam , Sam , Merlin and Sherlock the robot has worked its way off the shopfloor , out of the realms of science fiction and into hospitals and railway stations , and is about to find its way on to one or two motorway flyovers .
21 But once Crowninshield was gone , and when we had refuelled the Beechcraft and put a crate of beer on to one of her back seats , the Maggot demanded to know everything .
22 But he went down to Suffolk very often , much more often perhaps than he would have done had Wyvis Hall been destined to pass back to the Berelands or on to one of those cousins in the United States .
23 Put some movement into your hands and arms , roll gently over on to one side , and take another little rest before you finally get up and stretch .
24 This defect was ingeniously got over by developing a hardener which could be painted by itself on to one half of the joint while the glue was painted on the other half , nothing began to happen in the glue until the two halves were brought together .
25 ‘ We sat on the sofa clinging on to one another until we stopped sobbing but I knew it was not over for her . ’
26 The nomes hung on to one another , stared into one another 's faces , and screamed .
27 Putting down his gas mask and haversack at the side of a tree , he walked slowly forward ; then dropping on to one knee , he placed his hand on Joe 's shoulder , and the contact brought the younger man round with a start .
28 British viewers of Manhattan Cable are by now familiar with Robin Byrd , whose late-night TV show consists of her reclining in a string bikini , a microphone clipped somewhat clumsily on to one breast , exhorting viewers to ‘ lie back and get comfortable ’ while various folk bare their pimply bottoms and everything else in an on camera strip show .
29 DISABLED John Pearson caused traffic chaos when he took a wrong turn on to one of the country 's busiest roads … in his 8 mph invalid buggy .
30 Compose and draw a simple still life on to one of the primed boards .
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