Example sentences of "our [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the office we shall remember our as the hard working , level headed lady who always made a good job of the task in hand .
2 Erm anyway , we 're going in Newton Abbot , in Newton Abbot choose our for the model .
3 Our of the corner of his eye the Major could see Harrison smirking , and he felt his temper rising .
4 Many of the prehistoric and early historic sites protected by the 1882 act — earthworks , hill-forts , megaliths , and burial mounds — were our of the mainstream of archaeological interest , which was concentrated on more recent and more artistic relics .
5 By contrast , anyone looking at the record of a computer attack would think it had been managed by a sadist wishing to extract the last possible drop of pain our of the victory .
6 But that was before , our of the blue , he received a call to tell him that Jamie had scored a final round of 60 and then had beaten Anders Forsbrand n a play-off to record the first Tour victory of his career .
7 Clark 's Lotus team-mate Graham Hill ( GB ) pulled our of the race which was eventually won by Frenchman Jean-Pierre Beltoise .
8 After Imran Khan was ruled our of the tour because of his shoulder injury , Miandad was the obvious choice , and a popular one too from the players ' and selectors ' points of view .
9 tried to put them at our at the cost of our of the work for quite a while .
10 Looking our of the aircraft window , we were flying down the Red Seat coast , the water aquamarine , coral reefs pale and shimmering beneath the water surface .
11 Then the ‘ transfer ’ of the Palestinian population our of the Occupies Territories into what remains of Jordan — the option preferred by Ariel Sharon and the Modelet Party — could become a reality , thus leaving plenty of space to the expected 1m refugees from the USSR .
12 Because as soon as the national agreement come into being our our of the meetings dropped down dropped down dropped down until there were very few attending .
13 Well , first of all we told the people at the earliest opportunity we told the church members what we 've learnt told them about our of the advantages and our enthusiasm and commitment to the process .
14 The motherboard can take a full 66MHz DX2 chip but there 's no easy upgrade socket — it 's a case of our with the old and in with the new .
15 Erm , and then I just thought I 'd finally conclude a bright , cos I think it , it 's like how I see myself at work , erm with showing you where our work comes from erm and basically you 've got all these arrows coming in and er sometimes you do have a sense of feeling quite bombarded with requests for work , but the main , I mean the main formal source of our work is the local government sub committee , which is erm , like Mary was referring to earlier , every department or unit in our in the Council have to formally report and get it 's work through by a Council committee , our committee is the local government sub committee and it formally sets our work programme once a year , and I our priorities , it also comes up with other things it would like us to do by the way , during the course of the year , so erm , that includes Mary as well . .
16 Nearly wore the carpet our in the bathroom .
17 And to summarize the methodology that we 've used , we 've set out our in the single sheet in the front of N Y eleven , various assumption areas that constitute the use of the model and our choice of the appropriate assumption for each of these areas .
18 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
19 We had in our in the newspapers creative we had a creative department .
20 you got yo would have to take and hour or take two hours , or take three hours and if you take up to three hours or if you got three separate hours that was detention and if we were in our in the junior part of the school in the first three forms erm , you then had to go into school on Saturday morning .
21 So we had our in the morning .
22 I know that the Manchester Evening News from our From the Bolton point of view has always Has appeared to be , rather than have always been , appear to want to have stories .
23 tried to put them at our at the cost of our of the work for quite a while .
24 In the dip at our by the
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