Example sentences of "find out [art] " in BNC.

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1 McLeish , warmed by the fact that she had taken the trouble to find out a bit about him , confirmed he had been at Reading University and had worked as a young sergeant in the Flying Squad .
2 Given what we now know , this is much more than the expected attempt to find out a demon 's identity , though it sounds very like it .
3 When you have shared something like that , you want to find out a little more about those who have shared it with you .
4 In future , it would be wise to find out a little more about your fish before you buy them .
5 I would be very pleased to chat to anyone who 's interested , even if you just want to find out a bit about making banners .
6 It 's the sort of fruitless post-mortem that bridge-players do but the point of the incident is that it showed the extent to which Hunt 's temper could affect his judgement , for in motor racing , as Nigel Mansell was to find out a decade later , to lose one 's cool harms only oneself .
7 Try to talk about things that are n't on the list , to find out a little more about Moore and how shaky he is , how super-sensitive , how damned defensive , and you 'll be faced with as much sternness and disapproval as he can muster .
8 " endeavour to find out a person both to answer to their expectation and those of the Town , and … to superintend and assist him for a while . "
9 To find out a new research programme was started , fresh water biologist Doctor Alistair .
10 In his second year at the College Jack Smith had Minton for his tutor and was impressed by the way he took pains to find out a student 's intentions .
11 I had to find out a lot of things about you in a short space of time .
12 There was then the opportunity to meet the captain and crew and to find out a little bit more as to how the plane was able to fly at such a phenomenal speed .
13 Before we start slapping all sorts of controls and restrictions on cars , we ought to find out a little more about the effect that they are really having on the environment .
14 ‘ George they are n't going to find out a thing if we do n't tip them off .
15 It really is something that I would like to see us achieve in the future and if this can be brought forward by meeting the developer down there , then I would be , certainly be in favour of that and I would certainly like , and this is what we said at this meeting , to find out a little more detail of exactly what they were offering but we have to be minded all the time , as I said again , is how we 're going to acquire permission to go over one or two different land owners ' lands .
16 In tide free waters like the Mediterranean we do n't have the same problem but we still need to consult a chart to find out a suitable location for sailing .
17 One of the other things , of course , we 've got to always bear in mind when we und , try to understand the parables of Jesus is that you can not , and Jesus never meant for us , to find us u our , you know a parallel for every single little detail , the for for the colour of this , or the colour of that , or th the shape of something else , he did n't expect us and did n't mean for us to find out a pa a a parallel , a meaning for every single detail because otherwise you 're gon na be contradicting yourself again and again but what we must see is , what is the main basic truth that Jesus is teaching here ?
18 First of all it 's erm an opportunity for us to find out a bit more about each other .
19 It was a chance to find out a little of what life in the army is all about .
20 Gary wants me to find out a bit more about it cos he wants a new one , another , well he wants a new one , cos we done a deal , get my bed , if we get the bedroom done
21 He had told Merymose nothing of his thoughts about Ipuky and Reni — sensing the policeman 's disappointment and mistrust when he told him that he had been able to find out no more than he had himself .
22 Instead they need to find out the rhythms of speech which make the music of the verse work in dramatic form .
23 To find out the address of your local office , contact : Look after yourself !
24 As Jeffrey Richards showed in the first of three talks on Sexuality in the Middle Ages ( Radio 3 , Monday ) , you can always get past a lack of obvious data to find out the sort of thing that goes on in bedrooms .
25 Julia Noon , aged 12 , of St Anne 's on Sea , Lancashire , took the politic and patriotic route and wrote to 10 Downing Street to find out the Prime Minister 's favourite foods .
26 Conoco was trying to find out the cause of the leak , before it could decide how to stop it .
27 The Corporal fired another burst and then he went off with two Commandos to find out the result .
28 The programme aims to stimulate the children to find out the truth about Jesus through the eyes of His enemies , the Pharisees and the ‘ secret agents ’ that were often sent out to investigate and police His teaching and activities .
29 The new Prime Minister was obliged , yesterday morning , to send a driver to find out the telephone number of one of his key ministers , before Mr Singh could pass on the good news of his appointment .
30 Last week they got so fed up with commuters crowding round their screens to find out the train times — because the computer board was n't working — they just switched them all off .
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