Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] at " in BNC.

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1 Apart from our regular rehearsals we often found ourselves at a loose end and would all troop round together .
2 But Robin still hungered for a night on the traps : so we found ourselves at the Harold Park Hotel , the crowds milling into the street , silhouetted against the lights of the adjacent Greyhound track .
3 So for various reasons , we actually found ourselves at .
4 I do not want to be harsh , but when I first set eyes on him I knew the type at once : the big , gangling provincial , so eager and relieved to find himself at last in artistic circles .
5 A staunch Tory , Shrewsbury was distressed to find himself at odds with some of his fellow Catholics over Ireland and deplored the support given to Daniel O'Connell [ q.v. ]
6 In pursuing these aims , de Gaulle continued to find himself at odds with the British and Americans .
7 A classic example was when he found himself at the centre of media and national attention after taking over the chairmanship of the troubled Westland Group in June 1985 .
8 One day he found himself at Market Harborough but with no idea where he was going .
9 Alexander found himself at odds with these famous words of Shakespeare :
10 It was not until he had accepted and had received travel instructions that he found himself at Bletchley Park as part of the Enigma team reading German cypher traffic .
11 He turned the corner , and found himself at the front of the house , which had a mountingblock , well chalked .
12 Ramsay , who found himself at the head of nearly a thousand men of Lothian , largely Lindsays — whose chief , Sir David , Keeper of Edinburgh Castle , was sick and so not present — Setons , Hepburns , Sinclairs , Keiths and other lesser clans , as well as his own men , offered to ride fast for the Borderland , to join Scott of Rankilburn whom Douglas had alerted to watch Dunbar ; together they would make up a force large enough to give that Earl pause .
13 The facts of political geography are alone sufficient to suggest that there might be many occasions when the Duke of Aquitaine found himself at odds with the Taillefers and the Lusignans .
14 For a further four years , Sukarno found himself at the centre of a political maelstrom of which the outcome seemed obscure .
15 Three narrow and thoroughly encouraging defeats ( 1–0 , 5–0 , 9–0 ) kicked off the 55/56 season and raffle winner Sid Beamish found himself at the helm .
16 So it was with no plans for the future that Troy found himself at Greenhill fair , dangerously close to Weatherbury .
17 The absence of Neil Lenham ( how many times have I written that , I wonder ? ) handed Keith Greenfield a more regular opportunity to open , one this Brighton beau has grabbed enthusiastically , twice registering 55-overs bests , narrowly missing a Sunday best and forming such a productive partnership with Jamie Hall that Smith found himself at first drop for the initial one-dayers .
18 By instinct rather than design he found himself at Saint Winifred 's altar , and kneeled to approach her , his creaky knees settling gingerly on the lowest step of her elevated place .
19 To reach Ariel and her mother , he had to cross the stream ; he did so , night after night , using stepping stones over unearthly flashes of phosphorescence in the water , and stepping up on to the further bank , still unwilling , still keeping his mind on Rebecca and the love he had sworn to her , until once more he found himself at the entrance of Ariel 's cabin , once more gave orders to the guard to leave him , and entered to speak to her , disturbing her rest , though she had come to expect his call ; then after their unsatisfactory exchanges , he would lift the fronds at the entrance and leave again , only to succumb once more , and toss himself off in rage and helplessness , before he skulked back to Belmont .
20 Dulé saw him fall , and ran , swung himself up the smooth wall of the redoubt where the gunners were hard at work , and found himself at a mere arm 's length from one .
21 The next he had been jerked fully awake and found himself at the centre of a circle of strange , hostile creatures , the like of which he had never seen in his life .
22 But Briggs found himself at odds with colleagues within the NASA scientific establishment .
23 Although Phil had been slightly reserved in his manner towards her ( Nancy ) , she knew that that was his way and she was enjoying the company of that wiry , small-boned , gently spoken citizen from Sacramento who almost invariably found himself at the back of every queue that ever formed itself .
24 Cornelius found himself at a door .
25 As though his feet were programmed he found himself at the Incident Room .
26 For reasons beyond his control , the new tsar found himself at war with Persia just as he was coming to terms with the Turks .
27 But when the Conservatives came to power in 1979 , local government found itself at the centre of a much wider conflict regarding the role of the state as a whole , and the position of local government began to be ‘ reappraised ’ .
28 With the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist in Bosnia , Germany found itself at war with its trade competitors in the west , and at war with its nationalist rivals and its potential empire in the east .
29 Indirect Rule and the evolution of the Commonwealth idea had disarmed much left-wing criticism of the empire in the years between the wars and encouraged the development among British radicals of ‘ responsible ’ views on imperial subjects , which came naturally to bloom when Labour found itself at last in office .
30 Frederick 's aggression disturbed George II 's position as Elector of Hanover and , because he tried to defend Maria Theresa 's treaty rights and France joined in the attack upon her , Britain found itself at war with France .
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