Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] on " in BNC.

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1 This we did , for in about an hour and a quarter from the time of our beginning the ascent , we found ourselves on the top of this dreadful precipice , and in possession of some very uncommon plants … ’
2 And so it was that on the first Monday after New Year , about midnight , we found ourselves on an icy road in County Cavan heading for the checkpoint , having just driven up from Dun Laoghaire , where we had disembarked from the Holyhead ferry .
3 Me and Sam missed our way and found ourselves on the edge of Foxton Mire .
4 Within three weeks I had handed in my dissertation , Lorne had assembled the rudimentary equipment , and with more bravado than common sense we found ourselves on the island of Celebes in the South China Sea .
5 We crossed to the island of Krk at 16:30 and found ourselves on what was virtually a single track ‘ road ’ heading for the town of Krk .
6 When at last we emerged into the open we found ourselves on a plain , perhaps a mile wide , lying between the hills and the river .
7 Finally , helped by a rope suspended from the cliff top , we found ourselves on the central plateau .
8 With still hours to go before the match we had another little walk about , somehow we found ourselves on Park Lane .
9 McLeish found himself on the verge of suggesting that a thoroughly unpleasant time in a New York jail might succeed in curing Tristram where all other methods , including exhortation , loving family support and a spell in a comfortable private hospital in Devon , had failed .
10 Edrich and Close soon went , and on two occasions Roberts found himself on a hat-trick ; the second time , Selvey edged to Greenidge at slip — and he dropped morning was fine and only one more run was added .
11 Asked what he would feel like if , on Sunday night , he found himself on the 18th tee tied for the lead , he replied that it could only be a ‘ shattering experience ’ .
12 So Bobby found himself on the carpet — on the silk dressing gown — and on Rachel !
13 Thus Jeffrey found himself on the Island of Sombrero in the Leeward group .
14 When the election was won , most handsomely , Pym found himself on the backbenches .
15 Presently , by what caprice of Providence he never knew , he found himself on the street that led to his lodgings , and stumbled towards it .
16 Already under a probation order for attacking a songwriter the previous year , he found himself on another assault charge .
17 For Hamed , the eldest son of Um Hamed , who found himself on the shelf quite unexpectedly and yet was ready to marry .
18 He chased them in Australia last year , tried to hunt them down at the Arms Park in the World Cup , but found himself on the end of the heaviest Welsh defeats home and away .
19 The original score — the two movements completed by Mozart , and the rest added by Süssmayr in a hand almost indistinguishable ( deliberately so ) from Mozart 's — was given to Count Walsegg , who for once found himself on the receiving end of a little deception .
20 John Stork — when in his mid-30s — became aware of headhunting when he found himself on the receiving end of a headhunter 's call for the first time ; in due course he became the successful candidate , but did not take the job , staying on as a member of the international Board of Masius Wynne-Williams advertising agency , where he had earlier been head of research .
21 That they were left to themselves is evident , for Eusebius of Nicomedia , who was close to Constantine , found himself on the losing side in the debate about the relationship between Father and Son , defeated by a group led by a mere deacon ( though soon to be a bishop ) , Athanasius of Alexandria .
22 He ran the company as if he had suddenly and unexpectedly found himself on the footplate of a runaway engine .
23 Conflicts with his superiors deprived him of the prospect of promotion , and at the age of twenty-five he found himself on the retired list , reduced to half pay in 1812 .
24 In 1653 John Lilburne found himself on trial a second time .
25 Soapy walked away from Broadway and soon he found himself on Sixth Avenue .
26 He found himself on loan to the faculty of the National Intelligence Academy ( NIA ) in Fort Lauderdale as director of Video Operations .
27 By the time he had got to suggesting that 126 card-carrying Communists were on the staff of the New York Times Sunday supplement , Matusow 's credibility was fraying , and , in 1956 , after a series of volte-faces he found himself on the wrong end of a five-year sentence for perjury .
28 One day Mark found himself on his knees in the chapel , eyes tight shut , praying , please God , let Sam put his cock in my mouth .
29 Paul Way found himself on the receiving end of a £100 fine for a breach of the P.G.A .
30 By the beginning of 1957 Franco found himself on the horns of a dilemma : both change and immobilism implied a high degree of risk for his continuation in power .
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