Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] the " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly we found ourselves the proud owners of three switchboards , two lines , thirteen phones and a miraculous fax ( ‘ Oooh , you must have to roll them up ever so small ’ ) machine .
2 Sheffield United 's Dave Bassett is the latest to find himself the subject of a police inquiry after being reported by the gentle , clean-mouthed souls who inhabit Chelsea 's stands for swearing .
3 Tonight he had been immersed in scenes of Mafia violence and found himself the next moment slumped in the Chesterfield staring at silver snow on the screen .
4 When there were not games he disappeared into the library and found himself the only person in the building .
5 From being just another kid with nits in his head , the smallest in his class and the only one in the whole school whose skin was a swarthy brown , he suddenly found himself the most popular boy around .
6 A host of examples can be cited throughout the period of Stewart rule up to 1542 ; the fate of the mighty earls of Douglas at the hands of James II in the mid fifteenth century , the case , enshrined in ballad , of the over-confident border reiver Johnnie Armstrong , who suddenly found himself the victim of the utter ruthlessness of James V , tell the same story about how royal power was exercised in Scotland .
7 Dr Sasaki found himself the only doctor in the hospital who was unhurt .
8 Instead of contested tithes , he found himself the guardian of a rich , varied , and passionately cultivated tradition for which the documentary evidence was fragmentary , but the local testimony entirely firm .
9 Nu found himself the ‘ treasurer without treasure ’ in his own words .
10 FOOTBALL fan Andy Meek went to watch his team York City in action yesterday — and found himself the match sponsor .
11 Jeff Winter of Middlesbrough found himself the first guinea pig .
12 The BBC again found itself the unwilling accomplice of the advertisers .
13 Almost from its first departmental production meeting Doctor Who found itself the target of several wielded axes .
14 But then , on 12 October , It found itself the target of a takeover .
15 She knew the Spanish liking for these little snacks and she stepped down into the street , a little surprised to find herself the focus of several pairs of eyes .
16 KAY BLAIR was recently shocked to find herself the recipient of high quality service
17 The most likely explanation is that she intended some disruption of the race and , having ducked under the rails , found herself the beneficiary of the sheer coincidence of the King 's horse — whose colours she would have recognized — being isolated from the other runners .
18 As season 72/73 arrived , a passing shopper , Mrs Hilda Sheppey ( 58 ) , suddenly found herself the first manageress in football history .
19 Mr Spencer told the jury : ‘ For a period of two years , from about the age of 13 onwards , the girl found herself the target of sexual and physical abuse from her stepfather .
20 Now ecologists found themselves the veritable gurus of our age .
21 In several towns rioting broke out , rioting for peace , and Nazis found themselves the victims of the kind of abuse and maltreatment they normally handed out to others .
22 Foxes often avoid the colony sites of breeding seabirds because if they attempt a swift invasion to capture nestlings they are liable to find themselves the object of severe and painful dive-bombing by the parent gulls and their companions .
23 I found myself the only ‘ other ’ .
24 By the end of that season , when he won his first championship by a large margin , I had little doubt who had achieved the triumph : Niki is no braggart , but in the first of many longish talks , he explained to me that his nature was such that he really just could n't stand the second-rate ; and if you saw the second-rate around you , you had a clear choice — either you cleared out and found yourself the first-rate or you simply demanded that second-rate people became first-rate .
25 The further along the spectrum we find ourselves the more we need knowledge and wisdom to be able to handle the results .
26 This afternoon , Kevin Tamati , last seen demonstrating an ability to talk fellow television commentators into submission , finds himself the object of Granada 's broadcast as his new charges look for first points from Leigh .
27 With representatives arriving in Blackpool for today 's opening session of the most critical of Conservative conferences for many years , the former Cabinet minister finds himself the focal point for public and party disaffection with Mrs Thatcher .
28 Unfortunately , the law is not particularly kind to the home-owner who finds himself the victim of a negligent surveyor ; in most cases he will not receive full compensation for his loss .
29 And now he finds himself the man who carries the main hopes of millions of GP crazy Spanish fans .
30 The poor citizen , bewildered by its ever-changing complexities , finds himself the victim of the muddled thinking and uncertain draftsmanship of the legislators who have multiplied words without knowledge , and must try to understand and then live with an Act of which he has suffered great difficulty and delay in obtaining a copy .
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