Example sentences of "how [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The insensitivity of the Benthamites , who promoted the Act , lay in their refusal to see how bitterly the poor would resent becoming the designated victims of the Act , as if their love for the dead were in some way inferior to that of ‘ their betters ’ .
2 The story of multi-layer pipe and the Sever-I illustrate how badly the soviet Union needs to transport the gas from its enormous Siberian reserves ( Urengoi has over 7.5 trillion cubic metres of top grade gas ) to earn hard currency .
3 DESPERATE John Major has caused a storm by trying to stop newspapers telling readers just how badly the Government is doing .
4 In systems integration , for example , Gartner Group rates Bull fourth in Europe and sixth in the world , which is a fact that continually gets lost amid all of Bull 's other bad news — and the French authorities seem to be oblivious to how badly the regular injections of state cash to prop Bull up play in the outside world , causing the company to be regarded as a corporate basket case that would no longer exist if it were subjected to the normal commercial disciplines faced by all its foreign competitors .
5 Some idea of how badly the police were treated is given by the reports of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner which show that roughly one-in-four of London 's policemen were assaulted each year — 3,444 cases were reported in 1899 , for example , when the constabulary strength was 13,213 men and 1,949 sergeants — as police authorities pressed for firmer measures in assault cases .
6 The ‘ batten down the hatches ’ tone of his speech , at an occasion when something cautiously up might have been more appropriate , betrayed a lot about how badly the industry — and agencies ' morale — has been damaged by the recession .
7 If it had n't been for Lotta 's appearance on the scene , who knew how badly the walls of her own citadel might have been rocked by the forceful vibes he 'd transmitted ?
8 Agents charge up to $7,000 per kidney , depending on the wealth of the patient and how badly the organ is needed .
9 The likelihood of the success of this practice depends very much on the current state of the property market , and how badly the seller wishes to move .
10 There was no need to labour that , de Burgh knew well enough how delicately the business of displacing him would have to be undertaken .
11 The rarity of finds of natural occurrences suggests how intensively the prehistoric Europeans must have sought rare substances and how much trouble they were prepared to go to in disseminating them .
12 In the light of this long list of grievances , it was remarkable how slowly the rising took hold .
13 He had noticed before how slowly the British matured .
14 ‘ Not seeing as how politely the young feller asked an ’ all . ’
15 An imaginative application of multi-dimensional scaling by the statistician David Kendall serves to illustrate how widely the technique can be applied .
16 It was not the only time Poindexter had to shut North up : partly because North genuinely did not know how widely the secret was known , but partly because he could hardly resist it anyway .
17 The public has become more aware of the importance of groundwater ( it is interesting to see how widely the term aquifer is used in newspapers now compared with during the drought of 1975–76 ) , and public use of the Hydrogeology Group 's enquiry service has increased .
18 They were required to adopt statutes at a constituent congress , and to register them with the USSR Justice Ministry ( or the equivalent republican Ministry , depending on how widely the new association was to operate ) .
19 It would help to define how widely the term Gypsy applied , and who exactly could be called a gypsy .
20 And remembering how furiously the Larks and the Covington-Pyms — and no doubt Goldsborough himself — had opposed the opening of parliament to the new and much despised middle-classes , he wondered afresh why the captain should now be murmuring against his own kin .
21 Then he made the point that ‘ all this shows how rapidly the industrialisation of the country is proceeding and how clear the simultaneous process of the socialisation of the whole economy is . ’
22 Be showed how intimately the traditional could influence the dances for his corps de ballet .
23 How effectively the king of England could direct the government of France was the most important of a number of unresolved questions left by the treaty .
24 This is a tribute to how effectively the rich use the wide range of allowances available to them and other forms of tax avoidance .
25 It included statements about : the booklet overall , as an evaluative instrument ; the ease and flexibility with which the booklet might be used ; how effectively the booklet probes existing practice and prompts new developments .
26 The plan 's success as a deterrent depends as well on how vigorously the UN will back it up with action .
27 Many of these weaknesses will emerge more clearly in later chapters , where we shall see how powerfully the pendulum has swung away from the position of Liberal Theology in recent generations , at least among the leaders and pioneers of theological thinking .
28 How right the bishop was !
29 Each of the dealing firms has a different amount of stock but you can work out who has what by how keenly the prices compare with the best bid , best offer .
30 Only when he turned to speak to Tao Chu did he realise how avidly the boy was studying him .
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