Example sentences of "one out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm taking this one out with the ducks .
2 This poem foreshadows the method of the later , greater poetry of The Waste Land in trying to hold the most primitive and most developed in one by letting the former show through the latter and the development of one out of the other be seen .
3 I needed something special to pull this one out of the fire .
4 He divides his party and his flocks and herds into two , and plans to put one out of sight of the other .
5 We found the gypsies about their business : Zylpha washing clothes in the beck , old Katie mending a torn jacket , Jake dismantling two old bicycles and trying to make one good one out of the spare parts , and Rosie , the little riddle-me-ree girl , splashing naked in the water .
6 For instance , I Was A Teenage Six Pistol by Glen Matlock ( Omnibus , £12.95 ) is only on the shelves because someone calculated that if one out of every few hundred punk rockers is daft enough to shell out nearly £13 for Matlock 's eye-witness account of the writing of ‘ Pretty Vacant ’ , then they 'll make a small fortune .
7 Post-war interviews carried out by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey , confirmed such impressions : one out of three Germans indicated that his morale was affected by bombing more than any other single factor ; nine in ten of those interviewed mentioned bombing as the greatest hardship they had to suffer in the war ; three in five admitted to war-weariness on account of the bombing , and the percentage not wanting to go on with the war was significantly higher in heavily bombed than unbombed towns ; more than two-fifths said they lost hope in German victory when the raids did not stop ; and the percentage of people with confidence in the leadership was fourteen per cent lower in heavily bombed than in unbombed towns .
8 Jackie pulled another one out of his pocket and all three munched avidly for several minutes .
9 ‘ In a speech described as brusque and arrogant by West German sources , ’ reported Anna Tomforde in the Guardian , ‘ British representative Dr Martin Holdgate , the chief scientist at the Department of the Environment ’ said , ‘ We see no point in making heroic efforts at great cost , to control one out of many factors unless there is a reasonable expectation that such control will lead to real improvement in the environment . ’
10 I needed a new winter coat , and did not have the skill that Wendy had to make one out of a blanket .
11 I went to my bosses and told them that , in The Wedding Present , there was another one out of the same rough balloon with the potential to be a long-lasting , album-selling , international act .
12 I 'm getting out for a pee in a minute , so I 'll get one out of the Land Rover if you throw the keys . ’
13 Ex-chasers , and one out of a circus down on its luck .
14 There were two , but she knotted one out of the way .
15 They began by testing 403 children on their ability to pick the odd one out of a list like ‘ hill , pig , pin ’ .
16 Apparently , one out of every 16 signposts at crossroads in the region are pointing in the wrong direction .
17 To get back to that post-prandial scene , there is , I believe , just one thing that can jolt one out of one 's seat ; a bitter almond .
18 Of 64 men with NGU , half were infected with the bacterium ; compared with one out of seven men with gonococcal urethritis and four out of 30 controls .
19 In about one out of ten , when there is a low level of pregnancy hormone in the system , there is another phase of sexual receptivity actually during the pregnancy cycle .
20 But it requires the death of the old body and the recreation of a new one out of the mind-seeds of the old subtle structure .
21 After the race , your leg muscle cells are nearly depleted of carbohydrates , their membranes are frazzled , and about one out of 10 muscle cells is swollen and inflamed .
22 If we want that Foxbat , we have to have it before the Chinks blow the last one out of the sky .
23 You get one out of ten for logic .
24 And give me a pair of tongs so that I can take one out of the water at a time . ’
25 We learnt the dance and everything , thank God we did n't let that one out of the rehearsal room .
26 Monique Javer also pulled a bad one out of the hat , and lost .
27 Monique Javer also pulled a bad one out of the hat , and lost 6–1 , 6–0 to Fernandez with a performance that lacked any hint of a challenge .
28 Mr Slavicek was out of Prague that week , and there was no one out of the remaining 449 employees who had the authority to give one black-and-white photograph to a local newspaper .
29 Roughly 25m PCs are now equipped to run Windows : one out of five of all PCs in the world , and over half of all new ones .
30 Four-fifths of the chaplains in Buckinghamshire and Rutland owned personal estates of 5 marks or less , while if one out of three in Cornwall had £5 or more , a good 10 per cent were assessed at nil , and indeed at Gwinear and Towednack were described as ‘ pauper ’ .
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