Example sentences of "such a time " in BNC.

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1 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
2 The family celebration , at his grandmother 's house where they frequently met , was enjoyable — to a point , but the loss of his father could only be exacerbated at such a time .
3 Until such a time peasants in a country like France were really only interested in a few restricted matters like land , taxes , and the threat of military service .
4 Nobody wanted to be mean at such a time .
5 ‘ And yet to have been there and heard none of the holy words which we should naturally have listened for from those lips at such a time — how distressing ! ’
6 As to those who force horses forward with blows in such a case , they only inspire them with greater terror ; for they imagine , when they suffer any pain at such a time , that what they look upon with alarm is in some way the cause of it .
7 The basic view is best expressed by Skinner himself : ‘ A person disposed to act because he has been reinforced for acting may feel the conditions of his body at such a time and call it ‘ felt purpose' ’ , but what behaviourism rejects is the causal efficacy of that feeling . ’
8 Dr Alexandra Macara , chairperson of the British Medical Association 's ethics committee stressed the difficulties for the parents in making rational decisions at such a time .
9 A man felt so helpless at such a time .
10 But sometimes change was good at such a time .
11 For when you are dry , empty , sick , or weak , at such a time is your prayer most pleasing to me though you find little enough to enjoy in it ’ ’
12 What you say at such a time is also important .
13 Such ‘ ownership ’ of plans would give the school a clearer and more unified sense of purpose and direction and reduce the stress felt in such a time of educational change .
14 I came out of the station , having had my break and was putting it into my notebook — ‘ refreshments at such-and-such a time , leave such- and such a time ’ .
15 Provision is made by s.107(4) of the 1936 Act for any person aggrieved by the refusal of the local authority to grant a consent to the establishment of an offensive trade , by a time limit attached to the consent , or by the refusal to extend such a time limit , but not if the consent is conditional , to appeal by way of complaint to the Magistrates ' court .
16 Staff need to be especially sensitive at such a time and also to be aware of legal formalities .
17 The cracking of nuts is an ideal task for such a time , particularly for the more technically minded .
18 One characteristic of depression is to feel utterly alone and bereft of help or hope and it is therefore almost impossible to feel God 's love and nearness at such a time .
19 At such a time , it is good to remember that if the new church is to take territory for Jesus there may well be spiritual forces with whom you are on collision course .
20 Such a time seems happier than it was in recollection , for anxiety , its chief torment , is over .
21 I found a difference in Ivy after such a time .
22 ‘ People said I was brave setting up a company at such a time , ’ recalls Mr Chambers , adding ‘ Brave ’ is a back-handed way of saying ‘ You 're mad ’ . ’
23 Partisanship at such a time could be unwise , she knew , and the sooner she and Anne were back at Framlingham , the better for them both .
24 There 's no bell saying you all have to be there at such a time . ’
25 Sympathetic recognition by lenders of the extra financial burdens often imposed by the breakdown of a marriage would be particularly welcome at such a time of stress .
26 She spoke sadly , as though to a twenty-four-year-old there really was a time of lost innocence , and I suppose , if the twenty-four-year-old was a cocaine addict , then there was indeed such a time .
27 Secure as he thought in possession , Lewis brushed this aside as being an unsuitable subject for discussion at such a time .
28 Stocks of petrol were low , and late one afternoon cars passing the orderly room were stopped by an irate major-general , who berated us for using valuable petrol at such a time of crisis .
29 He thought that he left the church unnoticed , but Isobel saw him as she stepped out of her pew , and , as far as anything could penetrate to her at such a time , she was touched by his solicitude .
30 Who wants to count calories and munch on a piece of dry toast at such a time ?
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