Example sentences of "look over the " in BNC.

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1 One wall of windows looks over the rusted iron fence of an empty lot , the other on the junk stalls of Finsbury 's Exmouth Market , with their cracked plimsolls and burned-out kettles .
2 The front looks over the lake and the views are beautiful .
3 Actress Jane Asher and cartoonist Gerald Scarfe , below , also put in an appearance at the penthouse flat which looks over the River Thames to the Palace of Westminster .
4 Nowhere is this more impressive than on the Dean Bridge at sunset , when one looks over the deep valley of the Water of Leith and sees the glistening windows of Moray Place and Ainslie Place .
5 Here the Tarangire Lodge looks over the flamingo-edged waters of the Tarangire River and boasts walk-in tents , proper beds and mosquito-netted windows .
6 And the elder Miss Snoot at her window high up in Old Odborough looks over the roofs of the town .
7 On Martin , where I was , someone would go to the washroom which looks over the pathways to act as lookout , so hardly anyone did stay in bed once the screw had gone off .
8 GUIL stands up and looks over the audience . )
9 Moreover , the possibility of a conversation is denied with a model who presents an uplifted chin and who looks over the artist 's and viewer 's heads .
10 Twenty metres or so from the grass-packed hill which looks over the Rabbit Grounds I switched to Silent Running , pacing stealthily through the long weeds and reeds , careful not to let anything I was carrying make a noise .
11 Yes , but pretends he 's not watching and he looks over the top of his paper .
12 He had probably looked over the preparatory material which had already been published elsewhere , and sketched out the remaining chapters , during his period of convalescence in the late summer and autumn of 1947 .
13 I 've looked over the shoulder at a few of these and they are obviously not the sort of thing , that you came sliding out of your mother 's womb knowing how to do .
14 The crisis only seems to eased because of ruthless conference management and because Tories have looked over the precipice and seen the disastrous consequences of disunity .
15 A long dark room , it has a turret growing out of it with a view of untold magic , looking over the yew garden and the rose garden , on to Otmoor . ’
16 Maybe so , but the old castle looked to me like a Victorian Gothic lighthouse , looking over the lake .
17 Meals are served in the restaurant , looking over the mountains .
18 For what it 's worth , I was a schoolboy visiting the [ Russian ] cruiser that afternoon after school , and was on the main deck looking over the side next to the quay , when I saw a diver ( with full deep-diving headgear ) being pulled beneath the surface by two frogmen .
19 ‘ I saw you looking over the fillies , ’ he said with a braying laugh .
20 Our agreement would propose a royalty of 2% of our receipts on each written component for the use of the syllabus of Project English and for looking over the Activity Book and Video Guide manuscripts .
21 Looking over the wall corner , the crater of Cow Pot is revealed and should be left severely alone ; instead , turn south to a cluster of boulders around an iron manhole cover set in the ground .
22 Some leaning against the spiles ; some seated upon the pier-heads ; some looking over the bulwarks of ships from China ; some high aloft in the rigging , as if striving to get a still better seaward peep .
23 There is no way he can focus on the ball properly with him looking over the front shoulder .
24 In the adjacent Golf Bar golfers will soon be able to find a welcoming watering hole looking over the green .
25 Midnight shrugged , looking over the faultless green shoulder at Jess .
26 Beyond its windows , looking over the lawns to Pennsylvania Avenue , is the Truman Balcony .
27 Do you remember looking over the ship 's side at the flying fish , and the phosphorus gleaming along the side of the ship at night — and of course looking for the Southern Cross in the stars at night ?
28 Looking over the oak rails , I could see the gallery floor and , further below , the ground-floor area , the spectacular chimney continuing upward and out of sight above the sloping-beamed ceiling .
29 ‘ Poor Richard was worried , ’ she said , looking over the top of her spectacles .
30 Looking over the heads of the children at the end of this tale , I saw slowly coming towards us , a large brown spiky thing as big as a room , with a dozen legs walking slowly and carefully under it .
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