Example sentences of "look out [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Downstairs , the large kitchen looks out on to a spectacular garden , complete with fountains , a stream and sculptured bushes and shrubs .
2 On a raised dais in front of large windows looking out on to the agricultural college gardens sat the Inspector .
3 Jess looked round the big kitchen ; at the dresser full of blue and white china ; the copper kettle hanging steaming over the fire ; the tubs and jugs and iron pans ; the rough whitewashed walls and the big sash window looking out on to a rising kitchen garden .
4 Bar/Breakfast room looking out on to a small patio .
5 It was a room within a room , with windows looking out on to the cabin walls beyond .
6 There was no room service and we were breakfasting in the hotel dining-room at a table looking out on to a square adorned by several yuccas and some dusty oleanders .
7 He was holding a light in his hand and looking out on to the moor .
8 But as I sat with my legs dangling over the edge , looking out on to the quiet water meadow , the anarchy of Delhi seemed far away and I began to see why in all the most sensible cultures , Paradise was envisaged as a walled pleasure garden .
9 Instead she found herself remembering things she had disliked about the flat — the row of closed doors in the long dark passage , the kitchen looking out on to a brick wall , the occasional stiflingly hot summer evening when she had longed to be in the country .
10 Nowadays ryokan supply guests with a small suite including private bathroom separate toilet ( western ) , a small dressing/undressing room , and often a narrow wooden porch looking out on to the garden where there is the only reminder of western custom , a small table and two easy chairs .
11 ‘ Look , ’ he would say as they sat in one of those cafes with the plate glass windows looking out on to the beach and the sea , ‘ there 's a rocker over there .
12 A few minutes later , installed in the office , a small room looking out on to the quarantine quarters , Sophie tried to find a topic of conversation that would keep things on a professional basis .
13 Take St Leonard 's Bank , looking out on to Salisbury Crags — a quiet , well-maintained residential street about half-a-mile from the Royal Mile .
14 They 're on the ground floor , and they look out on to college land .
15 and the known body of the fields we look out over
16 The window looked out on to the cobbled yard .
17 The window looked out on to a wide wooden verandah with a few deadbeat chairs and a metal table that took one leg off the ground when you leaned on it .
18 The next morning , as Harriet looked out on to a calmer sea , she switched on her wireless to hear that the Second Front had begun .
19 Through the large plate glass windows ( a pleasant feature of all Wildfowl Trust Centres ) we looked out on to a deep lagoon , dug especially to attract wild birds .
20 We sat in a hide built from old telegraph poles and railway sleepers and looked out on to banks bright with primroses and cowslips .
21 I sat at the open window and looked out on to the purple dark .
22 Depressed and disappointed , she went to the square of kitchen window and looked out on to the pool , which glittered in the moonlight , now flowing with the precious and expensive liquid which should have filled their most urgent needs .
23 Taliesin laughed , and Fael-Inis said , ‘ Why did you accompany Fergus and Fribble ? ’ and Taliesin glanced involuntarily to where Fergus 's body lay on the velvet-covered couch beneath the window that looked out on to the forest .
24 The Inspector edged down the confined passage into the living room which looked out on to a neat back garden .
25 The floor was stone-flagged , there was an enormous fireplace on the far side , and the windows looked out on to the gardens .
26 It was almost a door and looked out on to a long paved garden bordered with box hedges and there was an inviting looking higher hedge at the bottom with an arch of greenery over a gap in the middle .
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