Example sentences of "look i [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The owner , a posh woman with a hairstyle like an upright honeycomb , looks me up and down and only drawls , ‘ It 's very expensive . ’
2 He looks me up and down rather ruefully .
3 She looks me up and down and says , ‘ I 'm Mr Newbegin 's wife . ’
4 The white frilly aprons and mob caps clearly labelled those who had elected to become servants for the afternoon ; less easily identifiable were the spiv I 'd spotted earlier — with his slicked-back , Brylcreemed hair and sneer of a moustache — and the vampish creature dressed in black taffeta adorned with diamanté who had looked me up and down disdainfully .
5 Oddly enough , one of Pierre Salinger 's researchers , Linda Mack , while trying to check me out , had talked to another of their staffers , David Mills — the former Newsweek photographer who 'd looked me up on Cyprus in 1987 and sold some pictures to Hurley .
6 I was talking to Mike McFarlane when Allan came up and interrupted us and spoke to Mac , looking me over but not saying anything to me .
7 ‘ I 've been up for the past three hours , ’ he said , looking me up and down rather coldly .
8 He had stepped back and was looking me up and down .
9 Mrs Phipps said sarcastically , looking me up and down .
10 ‘ The British are the only women who know how to wear tweeds , ’ he said , looking me up and down .
11 ‘ I appreciate your looking me up in my cubby-hole , I really do .
12 And before Bill Robins left for Sanderstown he gave me his address and telephone number , saying , ‘ I 'll be really hurt if you ever come to Sanderstown and do n't look me up .
13 Why look me up particularly ? ’
14 But you may look me up .
15 He 'll look me up , maybe .
16 Dr Trower says : ‘ She 's saying ‘ do n't look me down ’ . ’
17 ‘ Was there a particular reason that caused you to look me up after all this time , James ? ’
18 She used to look me up and down as if the Brownie uniform was really nothing to get excited about , and say smugly , ‘ Rainbows wear green Nuforms ! ’
19 Look me up again when you are next in town , wo n't you ?
20 Look me up when you come through .
21 ‘ If you 've made up your mind by the end of the war , ’ said Binkie , ‘ look me up . ’
22 They did not say a word but looked me up and down .
23 On the return journey from Fairbanks to Edmonton I enjoyed a two-day stopover in Whitehorse where the manager of the new cinema , whom I had met on the way north , looked me up .
24 He looked me up and down and with a twinkle in his eye said ‘ Oh ! dear , I think I shall have to let you know after all . ’
25 She looked me up and down .
26 Replacing his spectacles a final time , he looked me up and down once more and said : " You will be going out to meet the public every day , you know .
27 As he looked me up and down I examined him in turn from the corner of my eye .
28 Graham , when he saw me , looked me up and down and said : " You 'll do . "
29 He looked me up and down , not sure what to make of me .
30 She looked me up and down and said , ‘ Oh , it 's you , is it ? ’ and turned back to the wicker hopper on the bike , delving into its depths with both hands , surfacing with long packages wrapped in newspaper .
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