Example sentences of "use in [art] " in BNC.

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1 * Technical note : like last week to ensure a fair contest , all extracts have been given the same epistolary format that Bragg used in A Time To Dance .
2 Rawlings worked out a procedure for network meetings similar to that used in a child abuse case conference .
3 The notion that the writing is meant to explain her work to others is supported by her use if the ‘ revolutionary ’ -to-evolutionary ’ tag which she first used in a letter to a friend ( in 1919 ) and then , quoting herself , she reemploys the phrase in her diary ( in 1920 , and again , in 1921 ) .
4 It is additional information that should not be neglected but used in a valid manner in the process of reducing overall risk .
5 It is additional information that should not be neglected but used in a valid manner in the process of reducing overall risk .
6 Where a word used in a lease has multiple meanings , one of which is its ordinary meaning and the other of which is some technical meaning , there must be some objective evidence that the parties intended the technical meaning to be adopted , otherwise the word will be construed in its ordinary sense ( Holt & Co v Collyer ( 1881 ) 16 ChD 719 ) .
7 Second , because of the inculcation of scientific cultural capital , in the form of scientific method , which used in an agent 's own selfish interests helps promote cross-control of results .
8 We shall remember words that he used in an interview with The Independent : ’ If we have changed our mind to win we can change our mind when we have won .
9 However , it is clear that , in deciding what the words used in an exclusion clause mean , the court can and will take account of the other provisions of the contract ; the clause must be interpreted in its context .
10 It maintains a link with Fiat , though — its 1.4-litre engine is the same as that used in the Tipo .
11 His own critique of Lawrence leads to his climactic denunciation of his own generation when he turns himself prophet of the most orthodox sort , quoting a long passage from Ezekiel also used in The Waste Land .
12 Fortunately she had a chaise longue which opened and was full of rugs which they used in the garden in the summer .
13 A new campaign team headed by John Wakeham , the Secretary of State for Energy and a close political associate , was appointed to replace what had generally been regarded as the ineffective one used in the first ballot .
14 Baker and Mercier ( 1982b ) found evidence of the extinction effect in only two of their six experiments and were able to offer no very convincing account of why these two studies ( which used a somewhat different test procedure from that used in the others ) should have generated the result they did .
15 ( 1988 b ) support this interpretation by demonstrating that the VS pre-exposure treatment will produce perfectly good latent inhibition when the CS used in the conditioning phase is itself vinegar followed by sucrose , an arrangement that should ensure that the same representation of vinegar is activated on both occasions .
16 * It is not clear why the effect of the retention interval should be especially marked when the pre-exposure flavour is different from that used in the subsequent phases of the study .
17 If there is little generalization of the new response to the test stimuli , we may conclude that the stimulus used in acquisition and that used in the test are readily discriminated .
18 These illustrations show slightly more freedom in architectural treatment than Scott used in the competition , as The Civil Engineer and Architects ' Journal said , although he adhered to the general principle of uniformity ,
19 The oddest is that used in the fourteenth century by the English historian Adam of Murimuth .
20 Another repulsive force , the so-called C- field that Fred Hoyle and I used in the context of the steady-state cosmology , does however fill the bill admirably .
21 The wooden propellers have fixed blades — another simplification compared with the variable pitch propellers that BHC used in the past to alter the thrust .
22 All the weapons that Britain and Argentina used in the Falklands were tactical : warships , aircraft , guns , missiles .
23 The one used in the model is listed as 4.9A ripple and is a five terminal , long life , p.c.b .
24 And in language identical to that used in the Municipal Alliance critique of the Labour council declared that their object was
25 The Peter Mark salon in Dublin used in the Bain de Terre styling range for this look
26 The meaning of yabud in this instance is therefore qualitatively different from that used in the context of harmful superhumans .
27 No direct descent from the summit of Caisteal Liath is possible other than by falling off it to a certain death , and steps must be retraced to the saddle , where another gully , a counterpart to that used in the ascent , offers an alternative route of return to Lochinver .
28 The screws that they used in the workshop came in plastic bags a few inches square .
29 The gold leaf used by Joni would have been slightly thinner than that used in the 1400s .
30 Classic Warbirds by David Stubbs is an overall look at the warbird scene , with coverage of Reno , detailing the much-modified machines that participate in the air races each year ; Duxford 's Classic Fighter display of 1990 ; warbird training on the T–6 Texan and an excellent section on the B–17s , Mustangs and Messerschmitts used in the move Memphis Belle .
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