Example sentences of "use [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 I had no idea she was using me for a purpose of her own : I was too naive to realise until it dawned on me what it was , a few weeks later .
2 We are most interested in the idea of networking , sharing skills such as translation and using them for distance learning . ’
3 Candidates using them for project or course work may have an advantage if spelling is one of the skills being tested .
4 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
5 If you have gas or coal fires , and can avoid using them for a while , it would be a useful addition to this list .
6 monitor current prescriptions to make sure that children are not using them for their first experiments with drugs .
7 God seems to get a real kick out of choosing people who think that they are useless , or who others think are useless , and using them for something important and useful .
8 ‘ Well over half of the clients that approach IMRS for consolidation software are currently using spreadsheets , and have discovered that there are all sorts of horrendous problems associated with using them for consolidation .
9 Cheapies are fine — I have been using them for years !
10 Nor did the Flemings feel that he was really supporting them ; he had appeared to be using them for his own ends .
11 The Greeks were fond of using them for mounting on earrings , but it was the Romans who developed a passionate interest in pearls .
12 Er , Switzerland is one country that has banned the use of animals for research , and I think we ought to be going along these lines that , if animals have rights we ought not to be using them for experimentation .
13 By taking V2s from here , from the mountains , shipping them back and using them for their own experiments .
14 But , increasingly , their own shops were also a highly successful means of serving this end ; many young couples were buying the lightweight fabrics , because they were so cheap , and using them for furnishing .
15 Using them for their filthy business .
16 But he had experienced complications when using them for logistics in Vietnam .
17 ‘ As long as nothing offensive is being said during Eircell mobile phone conversations , we have no power to stop anybody using them for any purpose , however peculiar . ’
18 Once again there are different ways in which such data are used , but all share the object of analysing the data anew , using them for different purposes than originally intended .
19 The leaflet accused the Moslem of kidnapping children and using them for ritual purposes .
20 Women on the continent have been using them for years and they 're gradually becoming available in this country .
21 Please return them as soon as possible , rather than using them for storage .
22 Some exercises they perform sitting on chairs or using them for support , but floor exercises have been out of the question .
23 You 're only , I think you 're only supposed to use them for a , a few months , I 've been using them for about three years .
24 What are you using them for ?
25 For as long as it took me to get out of range , several birds used me for bombing practice , coming so close on occasions that ducking was a necessity rather than a flamboyant gesture .
26 Did you imagine I 'd stand passively by while you used me for bayonet practice ? ’
27 During the Second World War , trainee fighter pilots used them for target practice , and as recently as 1968 , they were still being hunted for sport .
28 The BBC Monitoring Service used them for deciphering ‘ jammed ’ radio broadcasts , and my solicitor , at least , was still dictating into an Edison Voicewriter in 1973 .
29 Founded by David Blechner and Jack Schumann in 1973 , the firm started out as a computer bureau , hiring time on its computers to customers who used them for their own jobs .
30 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
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