Example sentences of "like [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus Forrestal reflected in July 1946 that the United States might have to tolerate much that it did not like about British conduct and influence in the Far East .
2 The thing I do n't like about this amendment is it actually moves us nowhere and we can not after what we 've seen over the summer , move nowhere .
3 A new theory linking familiarity , complexity , and liking for two special classes of objects will be tested rigorously for the first time .
4 Whether the region 's liking for liberal trade will last remains to be seen .
5 Or survivals at the level of colour : liking for flat and intense colours , local earth and vegetable dyes , which may go all the way back to the ancient textile traditions such as that of the Paracas culture in Peru .
6 What remains the same is Rickenbacker 's liking for parallel neck depth , and this one measures more or less ″ from the first fret to the 17th .
7 ‘ A liking for young men ? ’
8 Dorothy 's liking for long country walks upset the neighbours and her aunt tried to intervene ; Dorothy replied that her brother 's virtues were ‘ sufficient protection ’ .
9 Gerald was always being chided for something or other : his wife had never entirely lost her Portuguese liking for matriarchal discipline , order and cleanliness — qualities that were not often found among the Husseys .
10 A pupil of Whistler , he derived from him a characteristic liking for low tones , which he manipulated with great dexterity to produce effects reminiscent of Rembrandt .
11 The West had shown little liking for this .
12 This liking for old gear means that they both spend a lot of time hunting it down , as Bryan explains …
13 I push the man 's behind up , liking with all my might .
14 ‘ Measure the service you provide against what you would like in similar circumstances . ’
15 I do like wedding cake but the only thing I do n't like in some cakes is ch
16 I think in fact what I would like in particular from the local planning authorities around the table is given Mr Donson 's view that E two as drafted is more restrictive than national guidance P P G seven or any other P P G , what is it in North Yorkshire that justifies that departure from national guidance .
17 The ciderheads took an instant liking to these fellow dropouts who also slept rough and were equally unsteady on their feet .
18 Dr Frank Weymouth Sailing Club , I would like to second the proposition that Messrs continue in office .
19 Erm , I do n't know if it 's worth speaking now , I , I 'd like to second everything that has said , and what the auditors have said erm , in the management arrangement .
20 I 'd like to second that petition .
21 Yes Chairman I 'd like to second that and just to erm say very briefly that er erm I , I very much welcome the report and the speed with which the Chief Officer is seen to have addressed most of the issues there are one or two bits that , that were of course were in fact posters , posters er be dealt with erm I have to say I still have some concern erm that the Chief Fire Officer and his team are so well supported on a very broad front on their decision making and their professionalism and yet on other matters of sound advice which has been given by er who are turned aside and just simply not given the proper consideration that they should have as in that er respect Chairman and I , I , I have some concern , erm it , it would not surprise me indeed if the , Her Majesty 's Inspector of er er brigades , when he comes round himself , has some comment to make on that since I think he 's expectations as well are almost as high as mine is .
22 Chairman I would like to second and reserve my decision .
23 I would like to second Mrs 's motion .
24 I 'd like to second Anne 's congratulations really , to the , to the men who deal with wasps nest , because they 're very usually men who come along !
25 Aruba plans to break away from the rest of the Netherlands ' West Indies , because it does not like to yoked to Curacao .
26 Also conservation programmes involve potential clashes with landowners , politicians whose constituencies are adversely affected , forest contractors who would like to fell trees without official controls and so on .
27 I would like to first call , in alphabetical order , Robert
28 ‘ I should like to above anything .
29 See perhaps I 'd like to more section to .
30 Er and therefore erm I think we 'd like to some degree wait and see a bit still because er I think that you know economic circumstances of this particular moment mean that we may just have to consider that further of seeing how things progress really between now and October .
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