Example sentences of "help they [det] " in BNC.

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1 I owe him much in this regard and shall always be grateful for the interest and encouragement he gave to me on his visits to our school , in particular the visit he paid only a year ago when he addressed my staff and helped them all by his understanding and the depth of his practical knowledge and experience .
2 Villagers arrived and helped them both to a local hospital — ‘ a filthy hospital with no sanitation — we begged them to use a clean needle .
3 Yes , yes , that 's right , they use , yeah , but I insisted that it were open doors for you as jobs were so hard to get , I said it were open doors for you and it did it helped them both .
4 There 's many a true word spoken in jest , but there must be lessons here to help them all awaken from the financial nightmare that the lending institutions have exacerbated .
5 The best way to help them all is Labour 's way — by increasing child benefit to £9.95 for every child , to reflect 1987 value .
6 Heaven help them all when the dailies came out the next day .
7 They 'd come and ask you for advice and you 'd tell them and help them all you could .
8 Joan would indeed see her prince again and be very close — and she herself had , as she said , felt it in her bones , God help them all !
9 You could not help them all .
10 Two girls from Berkshire classes have joined the Teacher 's Course — We hope they are successful and will join the teaching force : Janet and Diana — we shall help them all we can , For , in Berks , the spread of Medau is our most important plan .
11 It is not enough just to provide the equipment and the opportunities ; the relaxed and warm feeling must be created between adult and child that will help them both to enjoy making discoveries together .
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