Example sentences of "rather [subord] for " in BNC.

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1 What clearly frustrates him is that so much of the money now sloshing around in professional tennis , is being spent in damaging — or at least potentially damaging ways — rather than for the good of the game , as well as for the good of the individuals who are benefitting .
2 For his universally lauded efforts , successful or continuing , to help resolve diplomatically such issues as Namibia , Afghanistan , Iran-Iraq , Western Sahara , Central America , Kampuchea , Cyprus and the Middle East , Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar is deemed a ‘ classic bureaucrat ’ , while the peace-keeping forces are recalled for their funny names rather than for their receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize last year .
3 As a result , the majority of farmers continued to concentrate their efforts on the production of food for their own families , rather than for the market .
4 Thankfully , he has seen this simple act as one of friendship rather than for what it really is — I am afraid of him and I want him on my side .
5 Functional rather than ostentatious , for telling the time rather than for telling others who he was .
6 The single most startling fact for girls , however , is that they tend to be taken into care for ‘ status offences ’ rather than for breaking the law .
7 All those rules were for nominal measures — money supply , public spending and borrowing , growth in money GDP — rather than for the volume goals of output , jobs and expenditure that most earlier governments had pursued in vain .
8 For the mass of ‘ non-organized ’ Germans , the ‘ Hitler myth ’ functioned through the stimulation of popular acclaim — recurrent but always temporary — fur faits accomplis , for coups which had been brought about , successes already attained , rather than for a clear set of policies in train .
9 Most shaikhs collected for welfare purposes rather than for compensation .
10 I would call it the instinct for survival rather than for selfishness .
11 Are there disadvantages in sharing income to benefit from allowance , rather than for a wife to claim a refund of tax paid on interest or dividends when her income is insufficient to take advantage of the allowances in full ?
12 ‘ To provide a model for citizens doing their own research , growing out of their own local people needs and concerns , rather than for professional consulting firms doing research based on the needs and interests of government agencies . ’
13 May we reserve our admiration for the qualities people have rather than for what they own .
14 A rather higher proportion ( n.s. ) of referrals to the specialist team came in the form of requests for general assessment rather than for specific services .
15 Plundering en route was forbidden , probably because it reduced the speed of the army rather than for any ethical reasons .
16 Nash argues that the position of women has deteriorated despite development activities because of the concentration on production for profit rather than for the welfare of the population in many Third World countries .
17 It is possible that one of the epitaphs Leapor wrote was for Mary Freemantle , rather than for her own mother as first seems likely [ ML , 1 , 263 ] .
18 Here family labour is employed , usually under the direction of a senior ( and usually male ) member of the household , and production is primarily for use rather than for sale , although the latter may be economically essential .
19 The difference is that the tank provides for the passive task of soaking items rather than for the active role of washing .
20 That school , like many of its contemporaries , was essentially a ‘ professionalizing ’ school preparing its better students for the more dignified occupations , rather than for higher education ( a development that was not to be fully realized until after 1945 and the expansion of the universities ) .
21 To others it may seem like a recipe for disaster rather than for successful research .
22 To be envious , in Axelrod 's terminology , means to strive for more money than the other player , rather than for an absolutely large quantity of the banker 's money .
23 He should be encouraged to think of sport as healthy exercise done for fun , rather than for competition .
24 It seems clear , however , that it would be possible in other similar circumstances for a police officer to detain such a person for what he or she did after the offence rather than for the crime itself .
25 The sea , too , was considered good for health and the fashion for sea bathing was originally for health reasons rather than for a jolly seaside holiday .
26 Charts and other similar devices often prove of more use in trying to analyse facts from your own figures , rather than for presentation purposes .
27 A title in the ‘ guide to the literature ’ mode , since it outlines the structure of the subject literature and gives examples , but does not attempt comprehensive listings of works , For students of librarianship , rather than for stock revision .
28 Until then , cattle had been required mainly for work and milk but an increasing demand for meat inspired Bakewell to breed for the butcher rather than for the plough .
29 The model allows us to recast the DFR equation for cells in a table , rather than for individual values .
30 In this sense the scene is clearly one of hazard problems looking for improved GIS rather than for GIS looking for good problems , as is all too often the case .
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