Example sentences of "when i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The 43-year-old dance king who grew up in Hartlepool , says : ‘ I was in plaster for five weeks when I injured my knee ligaments .
2 It was when I got back to my new room there that I first came across my new neighbours , Jane and Mark Walsh , and their two children , Sonja and Darren .
3 Another amusing incident to come out of ‘ Space Oddity ’ was when I got a phone call from David one day , who said he had to record an Italian version of the song because two kids in Italy had apparently done a cover version of it and as it looked as if it was going to do quite well , the Italian record company wanted a version by the original artist and said they would send someone along to teach Bowie phonetically how to sing the song .
4 Otley wanted to know when I got home .
5 It was only when I got home and looked up the dictionary that I realised what a gem it had been .
6 That was when I got the gun out .
7 So I decided to draw a line across the book and finish the last few pages when I got back .
8 I was just packing up my medical papers when I got a call to Ward 16 , now also a reception ward .
9 One of them came to see me last night when I got back from Paris .
10 The hot water had prickled pleasantly at the nameless place at the tops of my thighs when I got in ; cooler now , it lapped at the dome of my stomach .
11 The hardest part was establishing the rhythm and co-ordination but luckily he 's a tolerant chap who did n't appear to mind when I got it wrong . ’
12 Practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train and walked along those roads again was Hairy Back and his dog , the Great Dane .
13 That is when I got a real bee in my bonnet about British restaurants .
14 That 's basically when I got in with a guy in Memphis and we started Fernwood Records , and I got interested in the engineering side of it .
15 It was only when I got on the ground and tried to walk did I realise that I had a bullet through the top of my right ankle .
16 It was only when I got to know something of the poverty of India 's villages ( some 500,000 of them ) that I really saw far worse poverty .
17 It had been dark for an hour when I got back to the car park .
18 The other night when I got in , he told me to put my feet up , gave me a G and T and dished up the dinner he 'd slaved over .
19 That was when I got hit . ’
20 Obviously this sense of guilt , this idea that I had betrayed a friendship , spurred me on when I got older , not only to study birds but also actively to promote their well-being and do what I could to prevent their numbers from dwindling .
21 It was early evening when I got into London 's vehicular scrummage and I had plenty of time to see Toby in hospital .
22 I had never cooked a healthy meal and I was only there a month when I got into burglary . ’
23 It was after 1 am when I got up from the table , and I was one of the first to retire !
24 I mainly used to chase it in me mate 's house , but sometimes when I got home , I 'd have a toot before I went to bed .
25 I was on two bags a day when I went to see me GP and I was on between a quarter and half a gram when I got to the hospital .
26 How much I used really depended on what time of the month it was , on when I got paid , like .
27 It was when I got into the Law Courts and began a long series of litigation lasting twenty five years " .
28 ‘ I know who I was when I got up this morning , but I have changed so often since then .
29 I knew when I got into trouble I might get sent back , because when you 've been to prison once , you can be sent back every time you get into trouble .
30 I had n't been back longer than ten minutes when I got a sledgehammer through my street door .
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