Example sentences of "begin [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The government-financed Industrial Technology Research Institute will begin helping local electronics companies to use CFC-free cleaning methods .
2 These fish in the 1lb to 2lb class can be a hundred or more strong in a shoal , and if you begin catching this size of barbel it is likely they will remain in the swim , feeding off and on , for as long as you have bait to keep them interested .
3 It is better , though , for you to restrain your natural impatience to make a start , and take time instead to read the book of instructions before you begin pressing any of the buttons .
4 The decision was therefore taken to again begin basing some of the fighters on the third airfield at Takali on a permanent basis .
5 The second aim has been to reduce the attractiveness and the scope of the welfare state , in order that people begin seeking private or company provision .
6 Crime and Punishment was different in that Dostoevsky never supposed lots of people would begin committing Raskolnikov-type murders ; Danilov doing so was enough to produce from him the exclamation ‘ It has happened ! ’
7 ‘ Generally Designers start by going to Art School where they begin doing Basic Design before , later , they specialise in some form of three dimensional design .
8 You may begin doing these exercises ‘ cold ’ , causing further damage to your neck and shoulders .
9 There was uproar in Israel over the massacres , Begin coming near to defeat in the Knesset .
10 How dared this man think that he could just move back into her life — after five long years — and then begin treating this place as if it were his own home ?
11 Did you never think , ‘ Here 's something that 's been neglected and so I 'll step in and begin collecting this ’ ?
12 In which case , I shall begin making snide remarks about your practice . ’
13 Early this year the Ministry of Health and Welfare ( MHW ) announced that it would begin making regular payments to haemophiliacs infected with HIV .
14 But do n't overdo this by being too overt , as in this opening to an essay ( by a non-native speaker ) titled " Lyrical and Epical Genres in Middle English Poetry " : I shall begin discussing lyrical and epical genres in Middle English poetry with the explanation of both these terms .
15 Poland 's foreign minister , Krzysztof Skubiszewski , hopes that a deadline for final Soviet withdrawal can be fixed soon , and that big combat units will begin leaving this spring .
16 The puppets then begin enacting some scenes from the adventurers ' recent exploits in the Castle , growing progressively more sarcastic and venomous in their dialogue .
17 Instead , he believes he can begin drafting new laws to put his ideas into practice .
18 Following the announcement of its pact with StrataCom Inc and Cisco Systems Inc , AT&T Co has come up with sketchy details of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode service it will begin offering early next year .
19 Farmers began producing two flocks a year ( which substantially reduced their costs ) and the breed changed from the traditional bronze or black strain to a white-feathered bird .
20 Then they began catching such coastal species as the great right and grey whales from rowing and sailing boats , using simple spears and harpoons .
21 As the situation worsened more border police entered the area and began firing live ammunition into the crowd .
22 During the early ninth century , the Vikings of Norway , Sweden and Denmark began raiding Anglo-Saxon colonies on Britain 's eastern coasts and within that century they became dominant in the north and east .
23 Russia wished to use the Teleuts as a buffer against the Dzhungars , but in the end they were overwhelmed by a superior power and began raiding Russian lands again around 1700 at the behest of their new masters , as did the Kazakhs further west .
24 She picked up a piece of paper and began drawing little cameo pictures of the bowl of fruit on the sideboard , of the flowers in the garden , bending under the wind .
25 This essay will seek to show Ministers would indeed have good reason to be terrified if ordinary people began preferring constitutional theory to government practice and acted on their preferences in their judgment of politicians .
26 The company needed workers , and so began building small terraces of houses for its labourers to live in .
27 Few people believed that a market for such high priced machines existed , but Cray continued to increase sales and growth , until eventually many other companies from around the world began building such supercomputers .
28 On a minor , but parallel line , from the 1740s onwards the aesthetic rich began building rustic , Gothick and Chinese garden houses and this picturesque style slowly crept into small house architecture .
29 Parallel with these , and with the encouragement of his friend Sir Walter Scott , whose own house at Abbotsford by Atkinson had pioneered the revival of old Scots forms , he began building hybrid Scots-English , neo-Jacobean houses at Milton Lockhart and Tyninghame in 1829 , reaching , with Bryce 's help , the full range of Scots detailing in his spectacular reconstruction of Thirlestane in 1840 and the large house he and Bryce built at Inchdairnie , Fife , in 1845 .
30 Boats carrying troops and equipment began leaving Toulon on Sept. 21 and arriving at the Red Sea port of Yanbu in Saudi Arabia on Sept. 29 , while from Sept. 23 the aircraft carrier Clémenceau also began unloading some 500 troops and 42 helicopters in Yanbu , returning afterwards to France .
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