Example sentences of "begin [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 I 'd began hunting for data on phetam to see if it really was valuable as the Ardakkeans claimed , and if so , why .
2 Following the US launch of UnixWare ( UX No 406 ) , Univel Inc 's European representatives say a revenue stream from this side of the Atlantic will not begin to flow for at least three months .
3 My intention is to let the barbel in all areas know that there is free feed about in the hope that they will then begin to search for the source .
4 The terminal or turning point are the areas where you should begin to search for the hotspots .
5 If the learner can be guided through the programme , and can begin to delineate for herself what she needs to know , then the knowledge and skills developed should become more relevant and an inquiring attitude should be strengthened in the learner .
6 Even the most generous interpretation of the figures reveals a very modest increase in funding and it most certainly does not even begin to compensate for ten years of cuts .
7 Tolkien had finished The Lord of the Rings by 1949 , though it was refused on his terms and did not begin to appear for another five years , on a non-royalty agreement — to be coolly received by reviewers at home and rapturously welcomed in that heartland of Anglo-Saxon romanticism , the United States of America .
8 Staff may , therefore , begin looking for alternative employment in the local area so that they will not be forced to make the choice of a job with their employer or no job at all .
9 THE SIX residents of Thornybauk hostel for those with alcohol-related problems are all unemployed and will begin looking for work once they have dealt with their difficulties .
10 He says several start-ups — plus some established firms — are expected to follow in the footsteps of Canadian firm Open Vision ( UX No 433 ) , and begin developing for and upon the Tivoli framework .
11 He says several start-ups — plus some established firms — are expected to follow in the footsteps of Canadian firm Open Vision and begin developing for and on the Tivoli framework .
12 The main thrust was to consolidate the company 's $53m debt into a low interest syndicated loan and a bond that would not begin to mature for two and a half years .
13 Furthermore the British people might begin to clamour for drastic changes in foreign policy if they were asked to undergo yet more austerity .
14 The scientist has to remember a great deal of information before he can even begin to look for patterns in the data .
15 But when it became known that someone ostensibly in the top echelon of the regime was no longer seen at the Ceauşescus ' palace at the nightly film shows or for chess , then whatever the victim 's ostensible rank , his own hangers-on would begin to look for another patron .
16 We can then begin to look for stress reducing and coping strategies to help alleviate the difficulties experienced in the everyday work situation .
17 It is also now an independent body , and can begin to look for new ways to finance itself and improve its amenities .
18 But he persevered , and soon began to master both the language and his camera to the extent where he could begin touting for work from the local magazines .
19 Begin to look for route to his home in A-Z .
20 When the Orioles ' designated hitter lifts a three-run homer over the right field fence in the ninth to wrap it up at 9–3 , the resigned Sox faithful begin heading for the exits .
21 When the time comes that relatives actually begin to cry for help — damage done within the relationship ma be irreversible .
22 Only when it was discovered that some men , formerly working on the surface , were working in canteens on the lowest male rate — higher than the female rate — did the union begin to campaign for equal pay for the women .
23 Relationships outside the family begin to count for something .
24 But when funding stays level and subjects begin to compete for resources , the system breaks down .
25 Enterprise democracy differs from this in that ( a ) workers can begin to fight for such an objective in the absence of a socialist government and ( b ) it is by nature impossible for even the most ‘ socialist ’ of governments to develop enterprise democracy ‘ from above ’ .
26 Exposure to the latter route of infection does not occur until kittens begin to hunt for themselves or to share the prey of their dams .
27 That gives us two hours to get there and two hours to prepare before Mait 's people begin to arrive for the ceremony . ’
28 I begin to appreciate for the first time , as I stand here on the outside looking in , how very reserved is the world in which we work .
29 If this is how the young child construes what is happening , it could begin to account for the response that four-year-olds typically give .
30 Bournemouth 's International Conference Centre has been turned into a fortress as the Conservatives begin arriving for their Party Conference .
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