Example sentences of "bring him the " in BNC.

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1 But as an occasion it promised much , for Lester Piggott was idolized by the racing public and expectations were running high that Commanche Run would bring him the record .
2 Clough went into the match against Everton wondering whether another setback might bring him the sack on the day he joined the Nottinghamshire miners on a protest march .
3 ‘ He can tell him that if he waits someone will bring him the money .
4 Erm I think it was an inter-club actually , oh the inter-club table show was the only night he could manage and that was no good to us so erm we , we the only way we could do it was to t bring him the night that there was a full table show transfer the full table show to the champion of champions judge that first and put the winning fish into the champion of champions and I know , well it 's gon na be woof you know a rush and that will , oh well , never mind .
5 His position within the duchy had brought him the support of men who would otherwise have been outside his sphere of influence , as well as making him the better lord for his own servants .
6 I 've brought him the programs he asked for . ’
7 His position within the duchy had brought him the support of men who would otherwise have been outside his sphere of influence , as well as making him the better lord for his own servants .
8 None was as close as Ewan had been , but they did their best , bringing him the gossip , chattering , urging him to rise , to dress , to come out , come down and eat his dinner with the other folk .
9 Then he called for the caskets of gold in which was the balsam and the myrrh which the Soldan of Persia had sent him ; and when these were put before him he bade them bring him the golden cup , of which he was wont to drink ; and he took of that balsam and of that myrrh as much as a little spoon-full , and mingled it in the cup with rose-water and drank of it ; and for the seven days which he lived he neither ate nor drank aught else than a little of that myrrh and balsam mingled with water .
10 When my father is drunk and beats me , he does it because I wo n't go out and beg in the streets and bring him the money I get .
11 If you remember , yesterday afternoon , after the funeral , Francis asked me to lock the studio and bring him the key .
12 In fact , he was fishing on a fiord nearby at the precise moment when his detective brought him the news that Lord Mountbatten had been killed .
13 On the strength of this scanty victory ( 23,000 votes , i.e. 28 per cent of the total number cast ) this largely unknown candidate was now treated by the media as ‘ the front runner ’ and ‘ the man to beat ’ , allowing him to gather the momentum that finally brought him the Democratic nomination .
14 When I brought him the food he pushed it away and suddenly burst into tears all over again .
15 She checked herself so as not to rush and then advanced over-slowly , first took up the bottle of rum , poured a glass , then picked up a guinea , seemed , he thought ( and smiled ) to test it , pocketed it , brought him the rum .
16 Funnily enough , it was one of my nephews brought him the message — Josh 's eldest boy , Jimmy .
17 Indeed , it was a precocious interest in Wealden fossils that led to the assembly of a large and valuable collection that was donated in 1884 to the newly opened Natural History Museum in South Kensington , and which gained him not only the title of honorary collector for the museum but also brought him the coveted fellowship of the London Geological Society at the age of twenty-one .
18 Carleton built up a sizeable estate in the eastern and midland counties , partly by inheritance , partly through the second of his three marriages , to Elizabeth Mohun , a Northamptonshire widow who brought him the manor of Overstone , where he mostly resided .
19 In 1861 Crookes made the discovery which brought him the necessary eminence ; he identified the new element thallium .
20 ‘ You 're your own master , ’ said Aelis tossing her head , and brought him the end of a loaf , and cheese , and milk to drink , and watched him sidelong , not without satisfaction , as he devoured his meal .
21 However , events take a path of their own and the picture finally brings him the happiness it seemed to promise all along .
22 The best preserved of all , beautiful and often illustrated , shows Herakles supporting the sky while Atlas brings him the golden apples and Athena prepares to help them exchange roles.93 This comes from the east end and conforms strictly to pattern : figures ranged against the flat ground , in simple postures , frontal or profile .
23 As I said to Kay it 's Terry that does all , he gets the money in , he pays all the bills , Muriel brings him the bills , I said he does all that apart from the fact I said he spent the whole day yesterday , the whole morning yesterday here clearing this , oh she said I did as well , erm you know help , I said what you , but as well as clearing
24 The impact of this work was to bring him the support of the social democrats and thus to extend the appeal of his Bonapartist message .
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