Example sentences of "turn them into " in BNC.

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1 The draft orders are again the subject of consultation , following which parliamentary approval turns them into legal binding requirements .
2 There is no evidence , to date , that making people belt-up turns them into worse drivers .
3 Turns them into shapes , and gives to airy nothing
4 As John Cook pointed out in the preceding chapter , it mistakenly assimilates the concepts of capacities like understanding , thinking , remembering , and the other psychological verbs to those of sensations like pain , and thus turns them into specific yet insubstantial and wholly mysterious inner states , available only to private introspection , which correlate in some way with their behavioural signs .
5 The frescoes , for example , show many elements that are borrowed from Minoan Crete , but handled in a way that turns them into distinctively Theran compositions .
6 When the time is right Shamans pick the special fungus and make the vile brew which sends the Fanatics crazy and turns them into uncontrolled whirling maniacs .
7 Modernization eventually takes away children 's ability to earn and turns them into a cost as they need education to earn as adults .
8 Turbobat is a very powerful multiple pass batch file compiler that takes DOS batch files and turns them into binary code that can execute up to four times faster than the original .
9 They started as self-defence systems , but more than 2,000 years of refinement have turned them into a way of life .
10 Within weeks Stagecoach had turned them into $ 5.1 million and still had half the operation left .
11 Although the process has not turned them into ordinary men they have , in some degree , become betwixt and between .
12 Yet you do not have to spend very long with them to appreciate how India , then as now , has turned them into what they are , how it has brutalized them and forced them to anaesthetize their own sensibilities .
13 All the team here has turned them into citizens of the world with dignity , honour and a great future .
14 His government has had considerable success in winning over guerrilla field commanders and turning them into semi-autonomous militias with lavish handouts of money and arms .
15 Any moment now , Judi would be turning them into a Jury , appealing for their verdict on the Nielsen family .
16 The revolution , through state control , has given agricultural labourers greater security and better wages by turning them into state employees .
17 It was boarding that gave solidity to the schools , turning them into total societies — often in rural and inaccessible surroundings — and reinforcing both achievement and a potent sense of cohesion .
18 Alcoves and corners can all be put to good use by turning them into highly attractive display features .
19 Anywhere you have a major or minor triad , practise turning them into sus2 chords by the formula outlined here .
20 In theory , there are three months of leadership contest in which to explore these and other interesting questions ; and one would hope that , even with a new leader , the party would still be able to discuss fundamental issues without turning them into questions of loyalty .
21 His wife Josephine , 53 , said : ‘ John loves cleaning up old shell casings and turning them into umbrella stands .
22 Teachers , though in some cases suspicious that these new demands were turning them into social workers , realised that this role brought them benefits .
23 Certain that it was the only true begetter of G&S , indifferent to new theatrical styles , D'Oyly Carte presented the same productions year after year , turning them into a rather dreary ritual .
24 In the ‘ we-reap-as-we-sow ’ category this week there are reports by Computer Reseller News that WordPerfect is now thinking about dusting off its long-standing complaints against Microsoft Corp and turning them into an anti-trust action if the US Federal Trade Commission does n't hop to and litigate .
25 It 's a surprise too that the school has survived , but when they were killing off all the grammar schools in this country and turning them into comprehensives and middle schools and sixth-form colleges and everyone was getting shoved in with everyone else .
26 Most of the buyers are women — so is the auctioneer , a brawny , competent , good-humoured young woman with a Levantine cast of countenance and a thick Midi accent — who will re-sell them locally this very evening ; any minute now the housewives of Martigues and Lavéra and round about will be turning them into la soupe or la friture for the evening meal .
27 Now if you know that somebody is a drug addict and they 've just had an injection you keep away from them , erm if they 're having a bad trip , whatever they call it , because you do n't , they become very violent , they can do a lot of damage , now the only time you will step in and help is when they go unconscious , but at the same time remember protect yourself , we 're talking about needles here and probably shared needles , you must be terribly careful that you do not get pricked by a needle , especially if , they have a habit of sticking needles under lapels , so always be aware of this , if a person is a drug addict , in fact if you can find some easier way of turning them into the recovery position , do so , erm , you can then obviously either call the ambulance .
28 The dip-shit little bastards deserve the fucking Micks turning them into mince ; saw the inside of an armoured car once ; been blown to buggery ; thrown a hundred feet into the air and then rolled all the way down a hill ; we took turns looking inside just to prove we were real men ; looked like the inside of a fucking slaughter-house … ’
29 I 'll know it 'll be he who 'll end up cassandring me , precisely in nomansland where the male gods will ever take over the pythian oracles , turning them into twittering spokespersons .
30 They put their muck , untreated into rivers , turning them into a dirty brown evil smelling soup .
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