Example sentences of "within [art] national " in BNC.

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1 Quarries down the road at Ffestiniog are within the National Park , and expansion plans must be carefully thought out .
2 In this new mood where religion was more important than politics , he thought he would like to see how the Church went in East London , at that time notorious as a depressed urban area within the national life .
3 They tend to conclude their account with the formation of the National Government , giving ensuing events — in particular , the decision of the National Government to go to the country as a National Government — fairly perfunctory treatment ; and this despite the fact that , as Ball rightly claims , ‘ The radical restructuring of British politics after 1931 lies not in the events of 13–28 August , but in the changing attitudes within the National Government during September and October 1931 . '
4 From then onwards , and throughout the 1930s , the Conservatives operated within the National government and pushed forward the type of protectionist policies which both Baldwin and Chamberlain favoured .
5 This left the Liberal Party in total disarray — with the Simonites within the National government and the Samuelites and the Lloyd George sections in opposition .
6 Having won less than 20 per cent of the vote in the recent polls , the Socialists will have difficulty in finding partners within the National Assembly to help them pass legislation .
7 Quotas can be introduced , which might or might not be tradeable between farmers ( David Baldock of the IEEP suggests that within the National Farmers ' Union a debate over quotas ended with victory for those in favour of no such regulation ) .
8 In 1951 Burgess and Maclean fled to Moscow ; Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson resigned from the Labour government in protest at the imposition of charges within the National Health Service , which they saw as an attack on the principles of the Welfare State .
9 Fees were abolished in 1944 in secondary schools within the national system , but ( even then ) not in the direct-grant schools .
10 It made it clear that , whatever their achievements in the past , the direct-grant schools could not look towards a stable future within the national system of education .
11 At the same time , within the National Health Service , it has been acute and curative services which have been developed , despite attempts to shift the balance towards preventive and caring services directed at chronic conditions .
12 Questions of cost , however , are likely to become more explicit in the ‘ internal market ’ being developed within the National Health Service in the 1990s .
13 If rationing or discriminatory decisions in health care are rarely made explicit within the National Health Service , such judgements are nonetheless made , and have typically been left to individual doctors .
14 The TGAT Report ( DES 1987 ) on testing within the National Curriculum has suggested that parents be helped by having schools ' published test results set against the socio-economic circumstances of the pupils .
15 Waterside House is situated on the shores of Lough Neagh within the National Nature Reserve at Oxford Island .
16 Anyone who earns below the lower earnings limit does not pay national insurance contributions , and builds up no record within the national insurance system .
17 Commodity circulation has been replaced by the circulation of products within the national economy , in much the same manner as products circulate within an oligopoly or conglomerate firm .
18 Sometimes we get feedback : in the 1991 campaign on Morocco , over 10,000 members sent birthday cards to King Hassan containing a message about human rights ; as part of our campaign for the inclusion of human rights within the National Curriculum , over 3000 letters were written by members to MPs and ministers .
19 Undertaking the painting of heraldic devices such as squadron badges requires a licence from HMSO Crown Copyright as they are within the national domain .
20 There are over 1,000 miles of public footpaths and bridleways within the national park boundaries and with vast numbers of walkers being sucked into the Lake District and Peak District , finding a quiet spot is rarely difficult .
21 The announcement of the success of this conviction within the national antislavery movement came with the establishment of the Agency subcommittee of the Anti-Slavery Society in the spring of 1831 .
22 Later in this paper I intend to outline the curriculum and teaching strategies I hope will be retained within the national curriculum .
23 Even within our own society , differences exist : they exist between north and south , between diverse creeds and cultures within the national cultures between rural and urban .
24 Within the National Health Service the general practitioners ( GPs ) are independent contractors .
25 Expenditure on the health service is a significant item within the national budget , representing about 5 per cent of gross domestic product ( Table 7.1 ) .
26 Here young men ( some of whom , such as C.E. Vaughan , subsequently supported the elevation of English within the national system of education ) , fired by a somewhat secularized — " politics of conscience " engaged in missionary work addressed to the cultural colonization of the great mass of the excluded population .
27 This led to a considerable investment of energy in shaping from above the constituents of the national culture and national character ; and to the identification and removal of any tendencies towards degeneration within the national " body " .
28 The English Association ( also founded in 1907 ) applied itself to the advancement of the new English within the national culture .
29 The care which Bailey lavished on his " treasures " within the National Trust was at least equalled by his work as activist and propagandist for the " eternal values " of poetry through the Association and in the pages of the Newbolt Report where his contribution to the section on the universities was particularly notable .
30 This was notable within the national education system where , from the 1920s , the ensemble of pedagogic practices and knowledges began to be reordered around a " modern " curriculum centred upon English .
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