Example sentences of "about [to-vb] some " in BNC.

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1 It is lagging at the moment but we may be about to see some real performance .
2 On the stock market , BAe shares responded to the news — and reports that a consortium of international banks were about to provide some kind of support package to help to finance the massive Saudi Arabian defence order — with a 27p jump to 553p on brisk turnover .
3 This injured swan is about to receive some rather unorthodox treatment .
4 The older ones among them who had heard similar harangues before had already sensed they were about to experience some harshening of their conditions .
5 Having discovered all this at life 's two-furlong pole , Piggott is not about to let some doctor tell him that he wo n't finish the race — especially not an American doctor .
6 Believe me , I 'm not a magician and I 'm not about to cast some awful spell on you .
7 I was just about to put some more out .
8 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
9 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
10 Lucenzo made the request , and was about to place some notes in the man 's hand when she stopped him , and both men looked at her askance .
11 There 's nothing wrong with the taste , but it 's a culinary shock if you order one or two for dessert under the impression that you are about to eat some oriental sweetmeat .
12 As we loaded up the trucks with everything we would need for our month away at Canjuers I felt that we might be about to learn some soldiering .
13 His lips parted as if about to shape some words .
14 They knew that Ian had taken er or was about to take some and they knew that er
15 I never leave the station unless I witness some person or persons committing or about to commit some offences , minor or otherwise .
16 Our pattern will be displayed as we originally designed it in the Fair Isle option , but we are about to make some changes .
17 I feel we 're about to make some kind of breakthrough , but it 's not there yet .
18 Was she about to make some obeisance to it ?
19 She was just about to make some coffee , when the front door bell rang .
20 I was about to make some coffee , ’ Merrill said , then could have bitten off her tongue as he said ,
21 There was a glittering look in those dark eyes but his lips had a very sardonic twist and she knew he was about to make some scathing comment .
22 ‘ I was just about to make some iced tea . ’
23 ‘ You were about to make some iced tea , ’ Adam reminded her quietly , and she blinked , strangely surprised .
24 She moved back along the counter and , picking up a box of the sugared candy , she was about to scoop some into the scales when the shop bell rang again .
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