Example sentences of "hold the first " in BNC.

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1 THE Merseyside Partnership holds the first of three Corporate Partnership Seminars at its offices in the Cunard Building today as it continues its work of promoting the region .
2 Timed to coincide with the major retrospective of Georgia O'Keeffe at the Hayward Gallery , Alex Reid and Lefevre are holding the first commercial exhibition of the artist 's work to be held in Europe ( 8 April to 7 May ) .
3 The Office des Communications Sociales of Montreal , Canada , is holding the first national conference on the Church and communication in Cap-Rouge , 4–6 June .
4 The President had also apparently abandoned his aim of holding the first round of legislative elections on Oct. 25 [ see p. 39086 ] , and agreed to reschedule them for late November ( with a number of opposition parties still calling for a further postponement ) .
5 The secret consistory decided to send Guido , cardinal bishop of Preneste , who was to be joined by Octavian , cardinal bishop of Ostia ( described as " holding the first place in the Roman Church after us " ) , at present acting as legate in France , and the pope 's own emissary , Master Philip the notary , to be present at a council to decide the imperial succession .
6 ( Harness racing , it said in brackets , would hold the first meeting of its winter season the following Sunday . )
7 To the question , therefore , which ought to hold the first rank , Raphael or Michelangelo , it must be answered , that if it is to be given to him who possessed a greater combination of the higher qualities of the art than any other man , there is no doubt but Raphael is the first .
8 At the end of September , 35 English dealers and 15 from the Continent joined 35 American dealers to hold the first International Antique Dealers ' Show at the Seventh Regiment Armory on Park Avenue , in the heart of Manhattan .
9 The Communist SED which , in round-table talks with opposition groups , has agreed to hold the first free elections in East Germany since 1946 — planned for next May — is seriously threatened by a split or even dissolution .
10 The border-opening debacle and the wave of mutual recrimination which it engendered appeared to threaten the tentative July agreement to hold the first ever summit between the Premiers of the two Korean states in Seoul , the South Korean capital , on Sept. 4-7 .
11 The presidium and committees were to be formed by December , and it was hoped to hold the first session of the Baltic Assembly by January 1992 .
12 THE South African government , the African National Congress and its rival , the Inkatha Freedom Party , agreed yesterday to hold the first multi-party talks since all-race democracy negotiations broke down last May .
13 She had learned when she had held the first costume up against her , that her mother had been small , hardly , it seemed , an inch or two taller than Ellie was now .
14 On June 23 the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , the ruling military junta , had held the first of three scheduled " co-ordination meetings " ( followed by further sessions on June 30 and July 10 ) with elected representatives from seven opposition parties , including the Khami National Solidarity Organization ; La-Hu National Development Party ; National League for Democracy ( NLD ) ; National Unity Party ; Shan Nationalities League for Democracy ; Shan State Kokang Democratic Party ; and the Union Pa-O National Organization .
15 FUND-RAISERS have held the first official meeting at their new Harewood House base .
16 In 1549 , two years after the close of the first session of the Council of Trent — the Council whose stupendous achievements encompassed the comprehensive definition of Catholic doctrine and the unchallengeable assertion of papal power , and which has been described as the creator of the modern Catholic church — John Hamilton , archbishop of St Andrews since 1547 , held the first of his own reforming councils .
17 He formed the A. S. Neill Society to spread libertarian views on education , and the following year held the first of a series of camps for potential pupils and staff .
18 But back Northampton went and though they held the first Nottingham surge they could not stop the second and scrum-half Hughes dived over on the left to score a try which earned a standing ovation .
19 It seems that for some time the firm had been issuing such promissory notes and having them endorsed by its local bank in Bihać ( where , incidentally , the partisans held the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council for the Liberation of Yugoslavia ) .
20 In 1976 Norway held the first international conference on the effects of acidification , and a year later put forward the proposal to set up a convention to control emissions of sulphur dioxide and thereby reduce transboundary pollution .
21 Certainly Hobhouse can be taken as a representative figure since , in addition to being a leading light of New Liberalism , he also held the first Chair of Sociology to be established in Britain — at the London School of Economics , which was founded by the Webbs .
22 For example Bowling Festival Week in Eirias Park usually held the first full week in August offer £2,000 in prize-money .
23 Diplomats from Israel and East Germany on Jan. 29 , 1990 , held the first of a series of meetings in Denmark , aimed at restoring relations .
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