Example sentences of "hold out for " in BNC.

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1 It holds out for beauty over mere rhetoric , active passion over passive submission .
2 Without the imperative of obedience , albeit lovingly enforced , the child may come to conclude that if he holds out for long enough , demanding his own will , he 'll get his own way in the end .
3 The major obstacles to more conservative — Dr Anusavice holds out for ‘ ultraconservative ’ — dentistry are the outmoded attitudes of dentists and their patients .
4 The man counts the money and they argue for a while , Tod saying nine hundred , the man saying seven , then the man saying six while Tod holds out for a thou , and so on .
5 Well I put me clothes out at twelve o'clock , I says to Linda if it holds out for a couple
6 Mitchell is amongst those who argue against Firestone and hold out for the continuing relevance of Freud 's work .
7 A Goebbels article in Das Reich at the beginning of March , in which he had emphasized ‘ the great honour of the victims and of holding out for the new Europe ’ , for which it was worthwhile ‘ fighting to the last man in order to go down in history ’ , met with heavy criticism .
8 The move will be seen as a further step towards a possible post-election deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats , who are holding out for a commitment to PR for the Commons as a pre-condition of backing a minority government .
9 He said Libya was not being ‘ stubborn ’ , but merely holding out for an honourable solution to the crisis .
10 This is the kind of question which has no answer , since no difference between commitment and rhetoric will be discernable until refugees are faced with a real choice between some kind of a settlement falling short of the ideal and holding out for the ideal itself .
11 Most people in the territories feared the PLO was in danger of rushing into some unsatisfactory settlement rather than holding out for the right conditions .
12 This leaves those who are holding out for more in a very unfavourable position .
13 The refugees have spent six days on the Austrian border holding out for British permits .
14 Manager Malcolm Crosby wants to accept a £750,000 bid from Premier League Southampton — but his chairman Bob Murray vetoed the move and is holding out for £1 million .
15 The scuttlebutt says their contracts were not yet signed and that the pair were holding out for better terms and conditions .
16 The scuttlebutt says their contracts were not yet signed and that the pair were holding out for better terms and conditions .
17 Yet as was noted , inventions , like choices , are always constrained by social experiential factors such as available opportunities and knowledge of alternatives ; even the most ardent indeterminist would acknowledge such things ( while still holding out for an irreducible residue of free choice ) .
18 Spent the afternoon watching youngest son 's team holding out for a draw while rushing to and from the car to get the latest score from Lord 's .
19 What I was holding out for hung on a pretty slender thread and I could n't let my life be dominated by it .
20 Lucien eyed the sticks , which Azmaveth was still holding out for his inspection , with suspicion .
21 ‘ What are you holding out for ? ’
22 ‘ You 're holding out for a wedding-ring , ’ he said flatly .
23 ‘ Still holding out for the twenty per cent , I see , Maurice . ’
24 The official trade unions , thought to be linked to conservatives in the communist party , were holding out for 100% wage indexation .
25 Wallace Mercer holding out for a better offer .
26 It recommends that developing countries seek " advance payments and relatively small royalties rather than holding out for higher royalties that may never materialise " .
27 I did n't know they were coming from She never said she sai just said I 'm just holding out for some
28 East Belfast-based midfielder Keery ( 28 ) has been holding out for a better deal than the one on offer .
29 ‘ She 'd hold out for a while but it would always be made up after he came back with the roses .
30 I debated whether to be sick or not myself , and decided that I could hold out for another half hour .
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